Activating the operating system at home
To date, the operating system WindowsXP is one of the most stable and widespread. It is chosen for ease of use and good security. But for normal operation of the OS you will need to activate Windows XP. In this article we will look at several methods.
How to activate Windows XP legally
Activation is the process of registering softwareproduct in the company Microsoft. In most cases, this is done by entering a license key. The activation prompt appears the first time you start the installed system. If this is not done, then on the 31st day the OS may become unworkable, which will cause a lot of problems for the user.
There are three official ways to removeWindow activation Windows XP: via dial-up connection, by phone and using the Internet. The first of these is obsolete and no one uses it, so consider the two remaining ones.
You can enter the license key at any time. It is usually located on the packaging of an OS disk or a sticker located on the bottom of the notebook or the system unit.
Activation via the Internet
Open the "Start" menu, then "All Programs"move the cursor to the line "Standard", there - to the line "Service", and select the item "Windows activation". In the window that opens, carefully enter the serial number. Then click the "Update" button. After that, check the box "Yes, activate Windows via the Internet". Then select "No, activate ..." and click "Next". After that you will receive a notification of successful registration of the OS.
Activate by phone
If for any reason you do not have access toglobally, you can use the phone. Microsoft service centers work only on weekdays, which is the main disadvantage of this method. Again, click "Start" and select "Activate Windows", where you select "Yes, activate by phone". Then click the "Phone" button, indicating the required coordinates of your location. After connecting to the operator, you will dictate the license code, in response to which a unique password will be announced. You need to enter it in a special field and click "Next". After that, a window will appear confirming that you have succeeded in removing the activation of Windows XP.
Uninstall Windows XP (pirated)
Immediately indicate that this method isillegal (but free), and you use it at your own peril and risk. However, it is most often used by users and has several options, differing from each other by the name of a special program (the so-called Windows XP activator) and several additional actions in the OS.
The simplest option is the use ofutility "WPA_kill", which you can find in the vastness of the global Internet. After you downloaded it to your computer, log in to the Administrator account in the OS, unzip the utility into a folder (you will get two files - WPA_kill.exe and AntiWPA_Crypt.dll). Disable the existing antivirus (otherwise it will block the utility) and run WPA_kill.exe. Then click the "Apply / Browse" button, then "Ok", and wait a bit. A message appears indicating that the process has completed successfully. Now restart the computer. This procedure should be repeated when installing SP1, SP2 or SP3 for this OS.
After reading the tips in this article, you will notwill worry about how to remove the activation of Windows XP (for free or by purchasing a license). This will allow you and your loved ones to enjoy the capabilities of this operating system without threats to its operability.