How to upgrade the MTS modem: simple rules for using the software, instructions, tips.
MTS constantly expands its range of productsdelivered services and today is the leader in the field of production of USB-modems. Despite their advantages, these devices are programmed to recognize the sims only from this provider. However, users can correct the situation by unlocking the modem.
How to "deceive" the modem from MTS and use any SIM cards
The vast majority of USB routers thatsupplies mobile operator MTS, manufactured by Huawei. These are gadget models such as E171, E173, E367. However, if you try to use a SIM card from another mobile provider, the PIN-recognition program will ask for a special unlock code. Knowing this combination, the user will be able to "deceive" the device.
Select the right code will allow simple utilities,which are in free access of the Internet network. Many users, as a rule, are afraid to risk and unlock the router independently, that's why they take the device to the repair centers of mobile gadgets, where this procedure is performed exactly according to the same programs. Knowing the instructions for unlocking the code, you can do everything yourself.
So, to unlock the Huawei E171, E173, E367, it is necessary to perform such manipulations:
Download from the network any IMEI code calculator utility for modems, for example, V4mpire_unlocker, Huawei Modem Unlocker or Calculadora_Huawei.
Run the program and generate the code that will be recognized by the modem.
After entering the unlock PIN, the usercan put any SIM. Usually, the usb modem allows the use of up to 10 different cards, so for each it will be necessary to unlock separately.
Important! Since the wired programs for 3G MTS modems automatically remember the operator settings when they first connect to the PC, the user needs to create a different profile. It will contain the settings of your chosen mobile service provider (you can find them on the official website of the operator). Create a new profile in the corresponding menu "Manage profiles".
MTS modem firmware: step by step instruction
If the previous method did not give the desired result,it is necessary to perform a number of actions for the full flashing of the 3G modem. After such operation the device will recognize SIM cards of any communication operators - Beeline, MegaFon, etc. And the user can choose the most favorable tariff plan for using the wireless Internet service.
So, the step-by-step instruction assumes performance of such actions:
First of all, you need to download the program called "DC-Anloker". It is freely available on any trekker or soft-portal.
Then you need to insert a SIM card of another operator into the USB-router and activate the installation of the MTS-modem software.
Once the installation process is complete, you must enter the password from the card (4 digits) and wait for the response.
After that, the system will ask you to enter the code (16 digits), which you can skip and close the program.
Then you need to activate the installed "build" utility "DC-Anloker". The system opens a menu in which you need to click on the "Select manufacturer" field, and then press "ZTE datacards".
In the Select Model window, select the Autodetect function.
In order to flash the USB MTS modem you need to click on the magnifying glass icon, which will launch the search for the necessary parameters.
After a few minutes, the program will detect your device. You will need to wait a little more until the "Locked" status lights up.
To remove this lock you need to press the "Unlocking" button, then click "Unlock".
Now the user can use the SIM cardperfect any operator and use profitable traffic. As you can see, unlocking the Huawei 3G modem is simple and convenient if you know how to do it.