How to upload music to Iphone 5 from a computer?
For most phones, it's enough to useUSB-cable for downloading songs, pictures and video. As for the smartphone iPhone, you need to download a special program iTunes. It is suitable for any device firm Apple.
This application allows you to create your ownown music collection and gallery. Download it from the official Apple resource. This is absolutely free service. Installation of the player does not take much time. The procedure is standard and is performed in a few clicks.
How to record music on iPhone 5 from a computer: step-by-step instruction.
Download the iTunes app on your laptop or computer and activate it.
Find the "Media Library" section and click on it;select "Music". In this library you can find any tracks. Hold down the list of music with the left mouse button and drag it to the next section "Music" (located in the window on the right side).
You can also select the desired songs as follows: open "File", scroll down the list to the line "Add files to the library" and click.
Select music files with the combination "Ctrl + O" and move them to "Music". Synchronize the checkbox and confirm with the "Apply" button.
In the case of creating several playlists in the iPhone, they will also be presented separately. In this way, you can compose as many lists as you like.
For your convenience, do the following: in the iTunes application go to "Settings" / "Add-ons" and check the box "Copy to folder". So it will be easier for you to synchronize music in your smartphone and computer.
How to delete files from iTunes?
With the download of music from your computer to iPhone you already figured it out. Next, we explain how to dispose of boring tracks from the phone.
To delete a specific song, you canuse the "Music" / "Songs" section. Drag the unnecessary track to the right side. A window will open in which you will be asked to confirm the recycling. You can also delete the song by clicking on the "Delete" button.
If you want to delete all the files in your library, use the combination "Ctrl + A", and then the "Delete" key.
To selectively delete multiple tracks,located in order, press the "SHIFT" key. Pre-select the first track to delete, then press "SHIFT" and the keyboard arrows select the remaining unnecessary songs. For selective deletion, select files by pressing the "Ctrl" button. Then press "Delete" and the mouse cursor "swipe" the elements to the right.
After recycling, it is necessary to make a synchronization. Connect "iPhone" to the computer and select the synchronization item. Files that have been deleted from the library will also be deleted from the phone.
Also there is a way to delete music without iTunes application on iOs7:
enter the Music app on your smartphone;
open the playlist by clicking on the note icon;
find the file you want to delete and swipe it from right to left with a finger pad;
click on the red button "Delete".
All is ready!
Now you know all the nuances of how to uninstall the music on the iPhone, and also how to remove it. We hope that our advice will be useful to you, use them in practice. Good luck!