How to download music from VKontakte?

Social network VKontakte (VKontakte) - the most famous social network in the runet. Here, users can chat with friends, share photos, music and video files. How to download music from VKontakte?
You can download music from VKontakte in several ways. One of them is similar to the one already mentioned inprevious materials how to download the video from YouTube. It is enough to access the browser cache to view (and in this case - listen) the required file.
Download music from VKontakte will also help special additions to browsers - plug-ins. So, for example, for the browser Mozilla FireFox isplugin Download Vkontakte and plug-in Download Helper, which is suitable not only for downloading music from VKontakte, but also for other purposes. There are also multi-browser plug-ins, such as VKSaver.
After installing one of the plug-ins to the music files VKontakte added buttons "Save" or similar, allowing you to save audio files on the user's local computer.
Among the desktop programs that allow you to download music from Vkontakte, VKMusic, for example, is known. After installing this program on the localcomputer, you should run it and log in using the credentials of your VKontakte profile. If you do not login, the program will work in demo mode.
In the main window of the program, enter the name(or artist), then click the "Search" button - the results will be similar to the search results for audio files in VKontakte itself. Remains in the list of results to find the desired composition and click "download". The audio file will be saved to the local computer.
You can also download music from VKontakte using a special javascript-code. Here is an example of a working code for downloading music from Vkontakte:
On the search page for audio recordings VKontakte insert this code into the address bar of the browser and press "Enter". After this, pressing the "Play" button will initiate downloading the selected audio file to the local computer.
Similarly, this code:
As a result of this code on the search page direct links to downloading files. Clicking on the link, you can download the file to your computer.
Note. The specified javascript-codes are checked for the Mozilla FireFox browser. Remember, you use the described programs and codes at your own peril and risk. The Council Country is not responsible for any possible damage to your computer when using the described programs and codes. We strongly recommend that you enable the anti-virus protection of your computer when using the described programs and codes!