How to recover and read deleted messages Vkontakte

Restore messages with a specific person
To begin with, we'll look at a simpler example: suppose you need to get a dialogue (a personal message story) with one of your friends, with whom you corresponded to the VC.
Here everything is very simple: ask your friend to copy all your dialogue or certain parts of it. The thing is that by deleting the correspondence, at the "other end of the wire" it remains unchanged. Of course, it is understood that your friend did not delete the dialogue the same way you did.
In case you deleted the message on the wallfriend, while you did not update the page (did not press F5 on the keyboard or go to another page of VC), then the message can be restored by clicking on the "Restore" message.

Another simple way, however, is not alwayssuitable in such cases: check your e-mail, if in the VC settings you have specified the option to "notify by e-mail". However, due to the abundance of VKontakte messages, it is likely that you then cleared your mailbox from a variety of alerts.
Recover deleted messages VKontakte from different interlocutors
All the methods described above are not suitable for that,to completely return all correspondence from different people. Go to the VKontakte site and at the bottom in the horizontal menu click on the link "Help" (the order of the items in the menu is the following: about the site - help - rules, etc.).
The support page for the site opens, wherethe data entry line will read: "here you can inform us about any problem related to VKontakte." Write your question in the data entry line, pre-formulating it.
You will need to describe your problem by saying thatThe messages were deleted at random and they need to be restored. It will not be long before the technical support staff answers. Follow the receipt of the notification of the answer to your question - regularly check your mailbox.

But do not expect an answer within 5-10 minutes. Your request will be processed in about 2-3 days. Understand correctly - every day hundreds of users turn to technical support with a similar problem, so you need to wait a bit.
How to read deleted messages Vkontakte: recovery software
A lot appeared in the network of programs and sites,offering services, how to view deleted messages VKontakte. Be carefull! Programs can contain malicious code - Trojan viruses that steal the password from the VC page and then send out spam, as a result of which your page will simply be blocked by the VKontakte administration.
Similar expects from visiting sites with questionable content (in this case - sites that allegedly help to return deleted messages vkontakte).
But there are also proven programs that are capable ofto restore access to remote correspondence, although they do not guarantee full recovery. The most common ones are VK Bot and Vkontrole Message (version 1.0). VK Bot is a shareware program (for some of its functions it is necessary to pay 400 rubles), but its capabilities are huge.
The second program also proved to be a good helper in the recovery of personal messages. In any case, it is worth trying both programs.