We will tell you how to correctly apply to the registry office through the Internet
A wedding is always a joyful and excitingevent. But preparation for it takes a lot of effort, time and nerves. In addition to the bride's dress, the groom's costume and the place of celebration, the newlyweds must take care of the solemn registration of the marriage. In a hot wedding day, when a lot of couples want to start a family, applying to the registry office becomes a whole problem. After all, no one wants to celebrate a wedding in the early morning or late at night. It is because of the desire to celebrate this holiday on the right day and at the desired time, before the registrars constantly queues of couples in love.
To simplify the procedure, the public services portalA special section was created that allows you to apply to the registry office through the Internet. In this article, you will be able to read about possible options for submitting an application, as well as view detailed instructions for working with the portal.
Options for applying for a marriage registration through the public services portal
You can submit an electronic application for admission to theselected registry office of your city. In this case, you simply take the queue for an appointment to come to the registration authority at the chosen time and apply in person and do not stand in line.
If you do not want to visit the local registry office at all,you can apply for a marriage registration completely online. To do this, you will need to register on the public services portal, go to your personal account using your login and password and fill out a special form. Personal presence in the registry office for this is not required, but you will immediately have to pay the state fee by transferring money from a bank card, and later come to confirm the electronic application.
We are more interested in the second version of the application via the Internet.
Instructions for applying to the registry office
First of all you need to register on the site gosuslugi.ru. After that, go to the site, enter your personal information in the username and password and click the "Login" button.
We are looking for the "Electronic Services" tab, and in it -necessary section for application. It is necessary to find the item "Office for Civil Registry Office Affairs of the Region". Be sure to choose your region, but you can immediately say that you can register in the registry office through the Internet not only in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but also in other cities. However, as practice shows, filing an application for marriage registration is not so widespread in smaller settlements, so it's better to go to the state structure personally to make sure that your application is accepted and there will not be any problems.
After entering the desired section, search for the tab "Office of Civil Registry" and the item "State registration of marriage" and click on the button "Get a service".
Then choose the registry office in which you would like to register, as well as the date and time of the celebration and click the "Next" button.
You will be provided with a special form, inwhich you must enter passport data, as well as other information of the bride and groom. Please note that the fields marked with an asterisk must be filled in. Otherwise, your application will not be accepted. You will have to fill out several pages with biographical data, including information about the place of birth, place of residence, information about previous marriages and information about changing the name. After each submission of information, you must click the "Next" button to go to the next form.
After all the information has been specified, you send the application and if you did everything correctly, a window with the number of your application will appear on the screen.
Now you need to wait until the status of your documents in the section "My applications" is updated and you will see the message "Waiting for additional information for the user" on the screen.
After that, you will be told to what dateyou can appear in the selected registry office in order to personally confirm your application submitted through the website of the state service. The main thing is not to miss the date, otherwise you will have to re-submit your documents and try to book your marriage registration already in the live queue.