How to quit right?

Before you quit your job, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. Do not make decisions spontaneously, say, whendelivery of a major project or just in the deadline. This stress sooner or later will pass, and you can regret if you quit your job simply because of temporary difficulties. If your work does not suit you with something specific, think about what might make you stay - say, a salary increase. Try to talk with the boss - maybe he will meet you, and you will not have a reason to quit. But in no case do not demand, do not blackmail and do not put ultimatums.
If you still decided to quit your job, do not go "to nowhere," it's dangerous. The longer you stay without work, the less your value as a specialist. To properly quit, try to find a new job in advance. Place your resume on the site with job openings,find out from friends - maybe somewhere you need a new employee. But your colleagues should not find out about these searches, especially if you have not yet announced your decision to quit. You can be considered a traitor and defector, and if they tell the boss about it before you apply for leave, problems are guaranteed.
You must inform your caregiver about it in writing. The application must sign yourleader. It is also necessary to set the date of the visit and, if possible, register the application in the register of documents. If the boss refuses to accept your application, send it by registered mail - the company has no right not to accept and not register it.
According to the Labor Code, after submitting the application, you must work on your site for another two weeks. In practice, this does not always happen. If you are on good terms with the boss and he has someone to replace you with, he can let you go immediately after you figure out the current affairs. And sometimes it happens that without you can not finish a major project, or your successor needs training - then you may be asked to stay longer at work. Sometimes the vindictive boss will try to load you as much as possible in this period - try not to go against him and defend his interests.
Until the end of the two-week period, until the laborthe contract is not terminated, you can change your mind. But be prepared, that after that the attitude towards you in the team can not change for the better. To properly quit, it is best to follow the principle of "leaving - go away." Some employees try to manipulatebosses, threatening to leave, if they do not raise their salaries or raise them in their posts, but this is not a very fair reception can only be used once. Yes, and it will affect your image in the eyes of colleagues and the employer rather negatively.
On the last day of work, you will receive everything that is due to you by law. Unfair employers may not issueyou need a work record or a salary that you are entitled to, citing various reasons. But they have no right to do so. If the employer refuses to terminate the employment contract on the appointed day, does not issue you the necessary documents or wage arrears, you can file a lawsuit against him. Although often a call from a familiar lawyer is enough to intimidate the boss and get what is yours by law. By the way, before you are dismissed, you have the right to use the remaining days of your vacation or to get money compensation for them.
To quit your job better in an amicable way. Even if you did not have the most pleasant relationshipwith colleagues, it is not necessary to arrange for them petty dirty tricks before leaving. First, no one knows how life will turn out, and when your paths cross. Secondly, before dismissal the chief should write you a letter of recommendation for the next employer. You do not want to ruin your future career? Thirdly, "word of mouth" has not been canceled yet, especially in small towns. Sooner or later, rumors of your ugly behavior with former colleagues can reach colleagues of these, and even to the authorities.
By the way, about colleagues. If you are going to work in the same area as before, do not tear contacts with them. You may need their help, or vice versa,you can offer them an addition. But do not try to entice them into your new company, it's absolutely unethical of you. You can arrange a farewell party or at least go somewhere with the part of colleagues who are most pleasant to you. To properly quit, leave only good memories of yourself. But remember that people notice frank insincerity, do not babble, do not suck up and do not pour crocodile tears.
If you can properly retire, then yourfurther career, most likely, there will be all the dangers. Of course, leaving the job, even peaceful and by mutual agreement, is a great stress. But if you leave work in an amicable way, you will be able to minimize its consequences.

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If you still decided to quit your job, do not go "to nowhere," it's dangerous. The longer you stay without work, the less your value as a specialist. To properly quit, try to find a new job in advance. Place your resume on the site with job openings,find out from friends - maybe somewhere you need a new employee. But your colleagues should not find out about these searches, especially if you have not yet announced your decision to quit. You can be considered a traitor and defector, and if they tell the boss about it before you apply for leave, problems are guaranteed.
You must inform your caregiver about it in writing. The application must sign yourleader. It is also necessary to set the date of the visit and, if possible, register the application in the register of documents. If the boss refuses to accept your application, send it by registered mail - the company has no right not to accept and not register it.
According to the Labor Code, after submitting the application, you must work on your site for another two weeks. In practice, this does not always happen. If you are on good terms with the boss and he has someone to replace you with, he can let you go immediately after you figure out the current affairs. And sometimes it happens that without you can not finish a major project, or your successor needs training - then you may be asked to stay longer at work. Sometimes the vindictive boss will try to load you as much as possible in this period - try not to go against him and defend his interests.
Until the end of the two-week period, until the laborthe contract is not terminated, you can change your mind. But be prepared, that after that the attitude towards you in the team can not change for the better. To properly quit, it is best to follow the principle of "leaving - go away." Some employees try to manipulatebosses, threatening to leave, if they do not raise their salaries or raise them in their posts, but this is not a very fair reception can only be used once. Yes, and it will affect your image in the eyes of colleagues and the employer rather negatively.
On the last day of work, you will receive everything that is due to you by law. Unfair employers may not issueyou need a work record or a salary that you are entitled to, citing various reasons. But they have no right to do so. If the employer refuses to terminate the employment contract on the appointed day, does not issue you the necessary documents or wage arrears, you can file a lawsuit against him. Although often a call from a familiar lawyer is enough to intimidate the boss and get what is yours by law. By the way, before you are dismissed, you have the right to use the remaining days of your vacation or to get money compensation for them.
To quit your job better in an amicable way. Even if you did not have the most pleasant relationshipwith colleagues, it is not necessary to arrange for them petty dirty tricks before leaving. First, no one knows how life will turn out, and when your paths cross. Secondly, before dismissal the chief should write you a letter of recommendation for the next employer. You do not want to ruin your future career? Thirdly, "word of mouth" has not been canceled yet, especially in small towns. Sooner or later, rumors of your ugly behavior with former colleagues can reach colleagues of these, and even to the authorities.
By the way, about colleagues. If you are going to work in the same area as before, do not tear contacts with them. You may need their help, or vice versa,you can offer them an addition. But do not try to entice them into your new company, it's absolutely unethical of you. You can arrange a farewell party or at least go somewhere with the part of colleagues who are most pleasant to you. To properly quit, leave only good memories of yourself. But remember that people notice frank insincerity, do not babble, do not suck up and do not pour crocodile tears.
If you can properly retire, then yourfurther career, most likely, there will be all the dangers. Of course, leaving the job, even peaceful and by mutual agreement, is a great stress. But if you leave work in an amicable way, you will be able to minimize its consequences.

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