Registration of marriage with a foreigner

Twenty years ago in Russia, marriage registrationwith a foreigner was a rarity. Those around him believed that such unions were doomed to success in advance. Thanks to the active development of the Internet and the active activities of marriage agencies today, even a person from the outback, if desired, can find his half abroad. Often after a while, couples come to a decision to create a family.

Registration of marriage with a foreigner

To all marriages that are concluded on the territoryThe current legislation of the country applies regardless of whether the future spouses are Russian citizens or not. In addition, a marriage with a foreigner in Moscow or in another city is recognized as legitimate only after the implementation of actions for his registration in the registry office. For this, the couple must submit the following documents to the registration authority:

• application;

• Passport, if this document belongs to an alien, you must provide a copy of it in Russian;

• a document from the place of residence of the alien,that he is not married. If the conjugal ties were broken, the registry office should provide proof of divorce (original and a copy in Russian).

When registering a marriage with a foreigner, all copies of the documents submitted to the registration authority must be duly certified.

How to terminate a marriage with a foreigner

If the registration of marriage with a foreigner isunderstandable process, then the answer to the question of how to terminate a marriage with an alien can be given by a few. If desired, this procedure can be carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad. According to Russian legislation, if spouses have children, then divorce is possible only in court. Dissolve a marriage with a foreigner in the registry office can be in the absence of a pair of any mutual claims. To break marital relations is permitted even if one of the spouses does not reside in the Russian Federation or its location is unknown.

Fictitious marriage with a foreigner

Today, a fictitious marriage with a foreigner is not uncommon. Some do so for the sake of obtaining a residence permit or permanent residence, others for work or study ... Some foreign citizens are consciously ready to provide this service. And although such relations are initially outlawed, the price of a fictitious marriage with an alien encourages many to agree to such scams.

It should be taken into account that in many countries,where one of the spouses is a foreigner, often arrange checks and, if suspicions of fictitiousness of marriage are confirmed, the spouse-nonresident is deprived of the right to stay on the territory of the country

. Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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