How to convert DOC to PDF?Sometimes we are faced with the needconvert a text file in MS Word format to a PDF document. This can be done in different ways: using a text editor, using third-party utilities and online services. So, How to convert DOC to PDF?

Creating a PDF document from a text file canwill be needed in different cases. For example, you need to send the document by e-mail in a "beautiful" form, issue as a PDA resume file or create a simple e-book. For these purposes, you can use various programs, both paid and free.

All programs for converting DOC to PDF are divided into two main groups. The first group is full tools for creating a PDF document. With these programs, you can make settings for the final document. Programs from the second group Integrate into the system as a virtual printer. In this case, you need to print a text document for printing, but choose not a physical printer, but a virtual printer. A finished PDF document will be saved to a specific folder.

But not everyone knows that you can often convert DOC to PDF with a text editor, in which the original document was created. This will save you from having to search, download and install third-party programs.

How to convert DOC to PDF in Microsoft Word?

In general, the Microsoft Office 2007 package is not originallycontains a PDF converter, because Adobe, which owns the rights to PDF, forbade it to include it. But on the official Microsoft website you can download an add-on called Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS.

After downloading the plug-in installation file, start it. Check the box under the warning and click Continue. When the installation is complete, click OK.

Now you can open the required document in MS Office and save it as PDF. To do this, click on the Office icon in the upper left corner of the window, select the option "Save as ..." and click "PDF or XPS".

In the window that opens, entitled "Publishas PDF or XPS ", select the folder to save the file. Enter the desired file name, optimization method ("Minimum Size" or "Standard") and click "Publish".

How to convert DOC to PDF in OpenOffice?

If you use free alternative to Microsoft Office - Office suite - you do not even have to install additional plug-ins, the ability to convert is provided in this package initially.

To convert a text file, from the menu"File" you need to select the item "Export to PDF ...". A window with export options will open. You can configure various parameters of the final document, say, password it or configure the parameters of internal and external links.

If the original document contains many graphicimages, we recommend you pay attention to the "Image" section in the "General" tab. There you need to set JPEG compression parameters and image resolution. The higher the parameters, the better the quality of the document, but the greater its weight. Here you need to find optimal balance between quality and weight of the document.

After setting all the parameters, click "Export". Enter the name of the file, select the folder to save and click Save.

How to convert DOC to PDF online?

If you do not have a text editor on hand, you can use free online services for converting. One of these services - When you go to the site, at the bottom of the page you will see a form entitled "Convert document".

The "File" field is used to select the document thatyou need to convert. Click "Browse", select the required document on your computer and click "Open". Make sure that the "Adobe Acrobat PDF (.pdf)" option is selected in the "To Format" field, if it is not, select it from the drop-down list.

Now click the "Convert this" button.document". When the conversion is complete, the browser prompts you to open the document or save it on the computer. Select the save option and click OK. The saving procedure is standard: select the destination folder, enter the file name and click Save.

And what methods of converting DOC to PDF do you use?

How to convert DOC to PDF?
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