How to report a site?The number of sites on the Internet is simply enormous, and, naturally, there is no way to track their contents and punish in time the owners of sites with unacceptable content. Where and how complain about a site, which, in your opinion, somehow violates the rules of the search engines or even the current legislation?

In what cases might it be necessarycomplain about the site? The reasons are a lot, from using prohibited methods of promotion in the search engines to gross violation of the law. For example, Google search engine identifies such categories of reasons:

  • web spam (the web page does not match the search query and uses prohibited methods of promotion in the search engines);

  • paid links (for paid site promotion, paid links are used);

  • unacceptable content (pornography, calls for extremism, etc.);

  • malicious programs (the site is infected with malware);

  • violations related to the use of Google products;

  • copyright infringement (plagiarism) and other legal issues;

  • disclosure of confidential information;

  • phishing (attempts to obtain confidential information illegally);

  • other problems.

So, you "ran into" the Internet on the offending site. Who can complain about the site? The first "instance" is a hoster. Most site owners useservices of hosting providers that provide them with a place on the server to host the site and ensure the uninterrupted availability of the site on the network. If the hoster is seen in the service of sites that violate the law, it may have problems. Therefore, it is in the interests of the hoster to "sort out" sites with unacceptable content. To learn the coordinates of the host, you can use special services that provide information about the site through its URL (WHOIS-services).

But in some cases, the hoster can betake any action without a court decision. In addition, if your complaint about the site is not related to the violation of the law (for example, the use of prohibited methods of promotion), the hoster will not help you exactly - its such moments do not concern. In such cases, you can complain about a site in search engines.

Each search engine has special pages, allowing users to complain about the site,"Unworthy" to take a place in the search issue. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to substantiate your complaint - this is done so that unscrupulous webmasters do not use the complaint form as a way to "lower" the competitor.

So, tools for webmasters from Google allow <! - noindex -> send report <!--noindex -> about web spam. To begin with, you will be asked to think again and decide whether your complaint relates to another category. If you are sure that this is spam, click on the button Report web spam and fill out the form: the address of the intruder, the search query by which you found the site, and a short comment.

If the complaint about the site is not related to web spam, youYou can find the required form via <! - noindex -> Google Help <! - noindex ->. You need to select the Google product to which your complaint applies, and the reason for the complaint. After that, you will receive a link to the form you need to use to submit a request to delete the content of the site from Google.

To complain about a site in Yandex, you can fill in the <! - noindex -> Yandex form.Webmaster <! - noindex -> for a complaint about search spam. You need to enter the site address, the search query, by which you found the site, and the comment (why do you think the site is spam). If the site disclose confidential information or infringes copyrights, you can also use the <! - noindex -> feedback form <! - noindex -> by selecting in the field Message subject the corresponding complaint.

<! - noindex -> Form of complaint about the site <! - noindex -> in search engine Yahoo! little different from similar forms in Google orYandex: you select the type of violation from the drop-down list, type in a search query that you found the offending site, the address of the site or specific page, and the address of the search results page on which the site was found, the complaint description, and your contact details. To confirm that you are not a robot, you will need to enter the alphanumeric code (captcha).

If the search engine through which you went to the site with unwanted content, there is no form for sending complaints, you can use standard feedback form and in the field Message describe your complaint. However, in many cases the consideration of the complaint takes a lot of time.

On November 1, 2012, amendments to the Federal Law 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" came into force. Users can now complain about a site containing information, the dissemination of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation, in Roskomnadzor.

This information includes information onmethods of manufacturing and use, as well as places where drugs are purchased, ways of committing suicide, appeals for suicide, and pornography with minors. To leave a complaint about a site containing prohibited information, you must <! - noindex -> go to the <! - noindex -> link and fill out a special form.

In the first line, enter the site address orspecific page. Then you need to select from the drop-down lists the source of information and its type (child pornography, drug propaganda, calls for suicide). Then tick the appropriate information and select the type of access to it (free, limited, paid). All other information you can specify in the "Additional information" field.

Next, specify your personal data (but these fields are not mandatory). You can also attach a screenshot to your message or an electronic copy of the page containing illegal information. Filling out the form, enter the security code and click the "Send a message" button.

How to report a site?
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