Programs for creating websites

To date, more and more ordinary Internet users are interested in programs for creating websites. What are these programs? How to create a website using such programs? The country council offers you a brief overview of the programs for creating websites.

Before proceeding with the description of the programs forcreation of sites, we note that one universal program, which will completely make the site for you - is not. No, and can not be in principle, because during the creation of the site you need to perform a lot of different operations.

So, to create a visual design of the site You definitely need a graphics editor - althoughwould be a standard Paint from Microsoft. In the graphical editor, you create a page layout, in which all the elements of the future web page are properly represented.

The design layout created in the graphic editor must be "turned" into an html code, which will be displayed by the browser when the site pages are loaded. As programs for "transformation" either simple text editors, or visual html-editors will do.

There is also a separate class of programs for creating sites - this site constructors. Such designers combine manyuseful functions. The choice of design, development of the site structure, filling the site and its publication on the Internet - all these processes are automated in site designers.

So, consider several programs for creating websites.

Html-Reader 1.7 Rus, CatsHtml 1.5 Rus HTML Optimizer v 2.5 Rus, Clear HTML v.1.54 - small free text html-editors. With their help you can create html-code, edit it. HTML Optimizer and Clear HTML programs allow you to optimize the code by removing unnecessary spaces, quotes, commas, comments. After optimizing the code, the page will load faster in the browser.

AI HTML Utilities 1.6 - a set of utilities for creating sites thatincludes html-editor, css-editor, code optimizer. In addition, AI HTML Utilities contains a utility for selecting colors and a table of special symbols.

Adobe Dreamweaver - A professional package for creating websites. In Adobe Dreamweaver, you can create and edit html code using a visual editor, you can create PHP scripts, CSS tables, Java files, XML, etc.

Macromedia HomeSite - program for creating home pages andsmall sites. Helps to speed up the process of creating html-code thanks to customizable toolbars, convenient highlighting of tags, tooltips.

Microsoft FrontPage - one of the most popular software productsfor creating websites. Supplied in the MS Office package. The program allows you to edit the html code both in the visual editor mode and manually. With FrontPage, you can conveniently add images, tables, including electronic (excel) to your document.

RapidCSS, Free CSS, Toolbox, Stylizer, TopStyle - editors of css-tables. Have useful features that make it easy to create and edit css-tables. They support the code auto-completion feature, highlight the syntax, check the validity of the code.

GIMP - Free graphic editor working withLinux and Windows. The functionality of GIMP is almost the same as the well-known graphic package of Adobe Photoshop, while GIMP also supports working with PSD files. Can be used to adjust digital images in the design of the site or to draw the desired images from scratch.

Adobe Photoshop - a popular graphics package, widelyused by web designers when creating sites. Its capabilities allow you to create and edit high-quality images, create gif-animation. There is a possibility of batch processing of files. Supports most common image formats.

Denver (Gentleman's Web Developer Suite) - setprograms for creating a site on a local computer, without access to the Internet. Denver installs on the user's computer and automatically configures the local Apache server, the MySQL management system is phpMyAdmin, the PHP interpreter, the sendmail emulator. The above components are irreplaceable when creating and testing dynamic sites.

When creating sites, you can additionally use other programs that solve certain small tasks.

Programs for creating websites
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