Erosion of the cervix: treatment with international means. What is cervical erosion and whether it can be treated with folk remedies.
About half of the women at least once in theirlife heard the words of a gynecologist: "You have a small erosion of the cervix." The reaction to this message is very different - from confusion to panic. Most often, fears are completely unreasonable, but you need to pay attention to your condition. Erosion of the cervix is called the whole group of gynecological abnormalities. Some of them are absolutely not dangerous and do not even require treatment, but some can lead to serious illnesses. What to do next in your case - the doctor will recommend. Either it will be necessary to conduct a number of medical events in the clinic, or wait, and everything will pass by itself, or by popular means to try to treat erosion of the cervix independently.
Symptoms of cervical erosion and the possibility of treatment with folk remedies
In most cases, erosion of the cervixhas no specific symptoms and is found by chance during a gynecological examination. The fact is that there are no pain receptors on the cervix, so even serious changes - ulcers and detachments - remain completely unnoticeable for women. So maybe, if it does not hurt, then do not treat? This logic, unfortunately, is common and sometimes leads to serious complications. Therefore, often gynecologists use tactics of intimidation and declare every erosion almost as a prelude to cervical cancer.
On the possibility of pregnancy, uterine erosion is notaffects nothing. The only possible limitation is that during a pregnancy that has already begun, usually, surgical treatment of erosion by burning or other methods is not performed, as it negatively affects the ability of the cervix to stretch, and this makes future birth difficult. In case of emergency, all procedures are simply postponed for a while after delivery. Often after delivery, erosion passes by itself.
Types of cervical erosions
The main types of cervical erosion are two - pseudo-erosion and true erosion. Understand the difference between them and decide on the possibility of treating cervical erosion folk remedies will help you to take photos.
Pseudo-erosion (ectopia)
So name the appearance on the outer surfacethe uterus from the side of the vagina cells, which normally should be exclusively in the internal cervical canal. It looks like a spot of bright red color on the outer surface of the cervix. Such an erosion of physicians is called ectopia (see photo)
The reasons for its appearance:
hereditary factors
decreased immunity
use of drugs containing sex hormones
adverse ecological situation
mechanical damage during intercourse
early onset of sexual activity (cervix develops to 21-23 years)
Often ectopic manifestation is still in adolescence, andit happens, and in childhood, although most often it is discovered much later. This erosion in itself is not dangerous, it's not a disease, after birth it usually passes without any treatment, and sometimes it disappears without giving birth. However, it can become complicated as a result of infection, and this will already require treatment. Too much pseudo-erosion can also prevent the formation of a mucous plug, which prevents penetration of pathogens into the uterine cavity. Therefore, although in adolescents this kind of erosion is not necessary to treat, for adult women, the use of folk remedies and prevention, at least, does not hurt. And supervision at the gynecologist, certainly, is obligatory.
True erosion
With true erosion (it is called ectropion of the cervixuterus), the cervical margin turns outward, the mucosa begins to exfoliate and become covered with sores (see photo). As a result, the microflora of the vagina penetrates into the uterus and can cause inflammation.
Reasons for true erosion:
hereditary factors (congenital ectropion)
trauma from childbirth and abortion
scars from poor-quality joints at ruptures
endocrine disorders
Infectious and inflammatory diseases
Most often the cause of ectropion isinfection. The most difficult option - if it is an infection of some of the strains of the papilloma virus, really provoking cancer. Cases of this infection are rare, but it is this infection that leads to the most negative consequences. Therefore, any cases of cervical erosion necessarily require a cytological study to exclude the possibility of developing cancer. And even if we are not talking about oncology, the inflammation caused by pathogenic microbes needs adequate treatment. In this case, the best option would be a combination of methods proposed by the gynecologist with folk methods of treating cervical erosion for early healing.
Folk remedies for the treatment of cervical erosion
Folk remedies for cervical erosionit is recommended to use it without consulting the gynecologist, as they all imply either syringing or tampon medication administration. The fact is that both these methods do not protect against a possible infection. And in general, the true erosion of the cervix is best after all not treated with folk remedies, but by the safe removal of those areas of the mucosa that can provide the basis for the development of malignant tumors, and this is feasible only in the conditions of a gynecological clinic. However, as an auxiliary treatment, especially in the case of pseudo-erosion of the cervix, folk remedies are quite applicable.
The best reviews among folk remedieserosion of the cervix have douching and tampons with a medicine. However, do not forget that any syringing can not be done more often than every other day, and tampons need to be delivered on time, that is, no later than 8 hours after the introduction.
Syringing tincture of calendula
Preparation of tincture:
Half a glass of calendula flowers fill with 500 ml of vodka. Put on the sun, in a tightly closed bottle, for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture.
1 hour Spoon a ready tincture in 1 glass of warm boiled water. Use for syringing. Begin syringing on the 2nd day after the end of menstruation. On the course of treatment you need to spend 21 douching, it will take you 2 months.
Tampons with rosehip
Dried rose hips in a coffee grinder to flour.
Boil the vegetable oil (preferably olive, but you can also sunflower) and dilute the dog rose in a ratio of 1 to 1.
Put the mixture in a water bath for 3 hours, then strain and cool. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator.
Make a swab of several layers of gauze and thickly oil it with a prepared product.
To put tampons it is necessary for the night within a month.
Astringent syringing
You will need:
Oak bark
rock salt (this is salt without any additives, extracted from underground deposits)
Preparation and use:
Solution for syringing, cook this way: 3 tbsp. Spoons of dried chamomile, oak bark or salt brew 600 ml. boiling water, wrap the dishes with a towel and let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain and let cool.
Douching should be done according to the scheme: 3 days with chamomile; 2 days break; 3 days with salt; 2day break; 3 days with bark of oak; 2 days break; 3 days with salt; 2 days break; 3 days with chamomile. Start syringing should be on the 6th day of the menstrual cycle. The course of treatment, therefore, takes completely one menstrual cycle.
Spend 3 such courses in a row, then take a break for a period of 3 to 6 months.
Tampon with sea buckthorn oil
Sea-buckthorn oil is a very effective remedy,it has pronounced wound-healing properties and, according to a variety of reviews, it is very helpful in the treatment of ulceration caused by cervical erosion.
The oil can be bought in a pharmacy, or prepared independently from overripe berries of sea-buckthorn.
First, wet, and then with a dry cotton ballcarefully clean the vagina from mucous discharge. Saturate a lot of gauze with a sea-buckthorn oil and put it overnight. Try to ensure that the oil tampon lies against the damaged part of the cervix uteri. When making a tampon, do not forget to sew a thread, for which it will be easy for you to get it.
Apply this tool for 10 consecutive days.
Tampons with calendula oil
Preparation of oil:
2 tbsp. Spoons of fresh marigold flowers pour 1 glass of olive oil and put in a dark place for 12 days. Insist in warmth, as with insufficient warm temperature, olive oil thickens and can not absorb active substances from marigold. Finished oil strain.
Dilutely moisten the cotton ball with oil and wrap it in several layers of gauze, forming a cotton-gauze swab. Put tampons on the night for 2 weeks.
Tampons with propolis
200 g unsalted butter of high quality
20 g fresh propolis
Preparation and use:
Put butter and ground propolis in enameled dishes and put on a water bath. Warm until all is melted. Usually it takes from 15 to 30 minutes. The resulting mixture strain.
1 tsp a ready-made propolis ointment put inside the gauze swab and put it overnight. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
Honey tampons
Honey is an effective, but useIt should be carefully, when it comes in contact with the mucous, it is very allergic. It is better to use honey not in its pure form, but in a mixture. The best reviews use such honey mixtures for the treatment of cervical erosion:
1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of grated onion, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of mashed potatoes
1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of baked onion in oven
3 teaspoons of honey, 6 teaspoons of aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of castor oil
For one gauze swab, use 1 hour. spoon of the finished honey mixture. Put a swab at night, every other day, for 2 weeks. In the morning, take out the tampon and immediately do syringing with the tincture of calendula (see the recipe above).
Tampon with pumpkin flesh
Cut a large pumpkin and remove from the middleloose flesh with seeds. Thoroughly remove the seeds, and cut the flesh as small as possible. Store the crushed pulp in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed opaque container.
For a tampon, use 1 hour. a spoonful of pulp, wrapping it in several layers of gauze. Put a swab at night for 3 consecutive days. The next 3 days do for the night syringing infusion yarrow. The course of treatment is a month - from the end of menstruation to the beginning of the next.
Douching with yarrow infusion
1 tbsp. Spoonful of dried leaves of yarrow pour 1 cup of boiling water. Wrap the cup with a thick towel and let it brew for 20 minutes. Strain, let cool to body temperature and use for syringing.
Treat cervical erosion with folk remedies and be healthy!