Fibromyoma of the uterus: symptoms and treatment

Fibromyoma of the uterus (myoma of the uterus, leiomyoma) is a benign tumor from the smooth muscle fibers, which appears in the myometrium - the muscular layer of the uterus. Usually the nodes of myoma have a rounded shape and a size of several mm to several cm, although there are also huge nodes.
Fibromyoma of the uterus depends on the content of hormones in thebody, so it appears in the reproductive age, and after the onset of menopause usually begins to regress (if a woman does not take estrogen preparations in postmenopausal women). But the exact causes of its occurrence are unknown.
Fibromyoma of the uterus is considered the most common tumor in women. According to various data, it occurs in 25-50% of women of reproductive age (usually over the age of 30 years). Symptoms of fibroids depend on the location of the nodes, sometimes they are not too noticeable, so not all women with fibromioma suspect of their disease.
A typical symptom of fibromyoma is a long, painful period. With the growth of fibroids, they become alllonger and more abundant, which can lead to the development of anemia (anemia). There may also be a feeling of discomfort or pressure in the lower abdomen (in the pelvic region), sometimes there are pain during sex.
If the fibroids of the uterus press on the nerves, whichgo to the pelvis and lower limbs, the disease can be accompanied by pain in the lower back, back, buttocks. If the tumor presses on the urinary system, it can be observed frequent urination (including at night), less often - disruption of the kidneys (due to pressure on the ureter).
Due to the fact that the symptoms of fibroids are so diverse and fuzzy, a woman can go to different doctors. But to reveal a tumor it is possible on survey at the gynecologist. The primary diagnosis is confirmed or refuted with the help of ultrasound. Sometimes you may need CT or MRI.
Having learned that they have fibroids of the uterus, many women perceive this diagnosis almost as a sentence, building a mental association: a tumor - an operation - infertility. In fact, everything is not so scary. Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is used only in the most extreme cases, so do not panic.
The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms, as well as the size and location of the nodes. If a woman does not experience discomfort, and the nodes are small, the doctor can offer "cautious expectation". In this case, no treatment is prescribed, but the woman should be examined regularly. If the nodes do not grow, well-being and the general condition is normal, fibroids can not be treated.
But if the growth of the tumor continues, and the symptoms appear or increase, the doctor can offer one of the existing methods of treatment. Fibromyoma of the uterus is treated medically, a doctor can prescribe birth control pillsor more serious hormonal drugs. Medication is prescribed if the size of the fibroids does not exceed 9 weeks (meaning that the size of the uterus with fibroids corresponds to the size of the uterus at the indicated time of pregnancy, i.e., 9 weeks).
If, with fibroids, the size of the uterus corresponds to 10 weeks of pregnancy and more, the treatment will be surgical. It can be myoectomy (delete nodes) or embolization of uterine arteries. Embolization consists in occluding blood vessels that feed the tumor with blood, as a result of which the fibroids cease to grow and even decrease in size.
Finally, the extreme measure is hysterectomy, surgical removal of the uterus. Previously, it was the only method of treatmentfibroids. She has one serious drawback - infertility. Therefore, middle-aged women agree more often on hysterectomy, who no longer plan to have children.
Fibromioma of the uterus is not a verdict, but it is not worthwhile to let the disease go by its own accord. Therefore, every woman should be examined regularly by a gynecologist, even if she thinks she is completely healthy.