Heat stroke: symptoms, first aid and treatment in a child and adult
Thermal shock is called pathologicala condition that occurs as a result of overheating of an adult or a child under the influence of external thermal factors. This is one of the forms of hyperthermia, that is, an increase in body temperature. In the human body there is a violation of vital processes, which can result in heart and respiratory failure, loss of consciousness and even death.
Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke in adults and children, as well as the principles of first aid are discussed further in the article.
Heat stroke - determination
Under optimal conditions, reactions take place in the human body that provide support for a constant body temperature. The vibration is considered to be 0.5-1aboutC in greater or lesser side.
As a result of a number of reactions in the human bodythe formation of heat. Its transfer to the external environment through the surface of the body is called physical heat transfer. Heat can be given through the development of sweat, with urine, faeces and liquids, which evaporates during respiratory processes. If the heat is formed more than is given to the external environment, the body temperature rises.
Which part of the brain is involved incontrol over the progress of such mechanisms? There are so-called thermal and cold receptors. They are sensitive to external temperature changes. Excitation from the receptors enters the hypothalamus (area of the brain) along the conducting pathways. It is here that the center responsible for thermoregulation is located. Specific reactions taking place at this center change the ratio of heat transfer and heat production.
Thermal shock develops whenfailure of the mechanisms of thermoregulation. First, compensatory mechanisms are included, but with prolonged exposure to pathological external factors (high ambient temperature), they are depleted. Hyperthermia develops, and the numbers can cross the line in 41-42aboutFROM.
Important! The heat stroke proceeds quite hard. A lethal outcome is typical for every third case.
Thermal shock occurs in cases where the body is not able to regulate the physical processes of heat exchange. The causes of pathology can be:
violation of perspiration on the background of chronic systemic diseases;
high ambient temperature (for example, work in a hot shop);
excessive physical activity in high temperature;
combination of one of the causes with the intake of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances;
high humidity of air;
wearing warm clothes in hot conditions;
insufficient fluid intake (dehydration);
illness of the central nervous system and heart;
treatment of certain medicines;
a combination of the pathological weight of a person with a high temperature on the street or indoors.
Heat stroke is a condition that is accompanied byviolation of the balance of water and electrolytes, as well as changes in the course of vital processes. A severe degree is manifested by the development of general intoxication, a change in the pH of the blood in the acidic side, insufficiency of the heart and blood vessels, the renal apparatus. Some clinical cases may be accompanied by stroke, pulmonary edema.
Symptoms of heat stroke develop independence on the clinical form of the pathological condition. In addition, the symptoms depend on the duration of the patient's stay in high-temperature conditions, the intensity of the influence of thermal factors, age, the presence of concomitant diseases of the heart, the nervous system.
The following patients are considered to be at risk of heat stroke:
with high blood pressure;
diseases of the endocrine apparatus;
allergic conditions;
pathologies of the liver;
vegetative-vascular syndrome.
Important! Careful monitoring of well-being in a sun or in a hot environment should be followed by children, the elderly, and women during the period of gestation.
The degree of severity of the state depends on howthere is a heat stroke. Initially, there is weakness, drowsiness, a sense of fatigue. Victims complain of the appearance of a headache, dizziness, bouts of nausea and vomiting, excessive sweating.
Later, there is pain in the muscles during movement and inrest, ringing in the ears, symptoms of dehydration. When observing the victim, one can observe the appearance of movement coordination disorders. This stage is characterized by high temperature, the amount of urine released decreases. How many days the temperature keeps at a heat stroke, depends on the degree of severity of the pathology and timely assistance.
The character of breathing changes. Breathing becomes noisy, it can be heard from a distance. The pulse becomes more frequent, hallucinations, convulsive attacks occur. The most severe form of heat stroke is a coma.
In the blood and urine of the affected person against the background of a heat stroke, the following clinical changes occur:
decrease in the number of platelets in the blood;
reduction in the level of fibrinogen;
high numbers of leukocytes in the blood;
in the urine - the appearance of cylinders, leukocytes and protein.
Consequences of heat stroke
First aid for a thermal shock should bewas rendered already in the first hours after diagnosis of pathology. In this case, after a few days the patient will feel better, and the symptoms will disappear. Another option may be the appearance of complications of thermal (or solar) impact:
Condensation of blood - lack of fluid in the body leads to the fact that the patient's blood becomes excessively thick. This is fraught with typhoid formation, heart attacks, heart failure.
Insufficiency of the renal apparatus - severepathology that develops as a result of heat stroke. Defeat and provoke the products of metabolism, which appear under the influence of significant digits on the thermometer.
Acute respiratory failure - appears as a result of changes in the work of the center of breathing, located in the brain.
The defeat of the central nervous system is manifested by indomitable vomiting, loss of consciousness, speech, hearing and visual impairment.
Shock is a dangerous complication that occurs due to lack of fluid, a violation of the balance of electrolytes and blood supply to internal organs.
Important! First aid in case of heat stroke is mandatory measures that will allow to quickly restore the patient's condition and prevent the appearance of the aforementioned complications.
First aid for heat shock
The first first aid for a heat stroke (orsolar) pursues the following goal: reducing the body temperature of the victim and restoring the vital functions of the body. At the first symptoms of the pathology, you need to call a health care team, and at this time carry out a series of activities before they arrive.
Eliminate cause
Emergency care begins with the fact that the patientTransfer to the shade if it was under the scorching sun, or in a cool room. If the patient received a heat stroke, for example, in a hot shop, it must be taken out of the workroom to where there are coolers or air conditioners.
The victim should be put on a couch or bed with a raised foot end. It is to improve the blood supply to the brain.
Take off the clothes
The man needs to be undressed to the underwear, because any clothes that will be on it, slow down the mechanisms of cooling the body.
Shower and packs
Cool water procedures - one of the stagesrendering of the first aid. If the patient is able to stand under the shower, it is necessary to cool the skin with water. This procedure lasts for 3-5 minutes, but the water temperature should not be less than 19-20aboutFROM.
Lack of consciousness and excessively difficult condition will not allow for manipulation. To such victims it is possible to apply a cold compress on the forehead or occasionally splash on the face with cold water.
Fighting Dehydration
Presence of consciousness in the patient is an indication forconsumption of a large amount of cool liquid, but not more than half a glass at a time (so as not to provoke a vomiting attack). You can add a little salt to the glass. This will maintain the balance of electrolytes in the blood.
Fresh air
Difficulty in breathing is a sign of an asphyxic form of heat stroke. To ensure access to fresh air, you need to bring the victim to the street (condition - the temperature is below 28aboutC, lack of direct sunlight) or in a cool room, sending a fan to the person.
Ammonia vapor has an exciting effect on the central nervous system, so it is effectively used in the loss of consciousness.
Resuscitative measures
Stopping breathing or heart is an indication for immediate resuscitation of the victim. It is necessary to begin without delay, without waiting for the arrival of an ambulance team.
Provision of first aid (PMP) in the event of a thermal shock provides for a ban:
to use excessively cold water to cool the body;
the application of cold compresses on the chest and back;
the use of alcoholic beverages.
Important! In addition to providing assistance, drug treatment of pathology in the hospital is necessary.
Treatment of heat stroke
Measures to provide medical assistance to the victim are the prerogative of qualified specialists. Prevention of dehydration is based on infusion therapy. Intravenous drip is administered:
saline solution of sodium chloride;
glucose solution.
Solutions before the infusion are slightly cooled, but not below 26aboutFROM. To support the work of the heart and blood vessels are prescribed cardiac glycosides, cardiotonic drugs, solutions that resume BCC, and other medications. The most commonly used are Adrenaline hydrochloride, Mesaton, Refortan.
Measures to prevent cerebral edema include the use of thiopental sodium. This medication not only reduces the need for brain cells in oxygen, but also stops seizures.
Antipyretics from the NPS groupeffective will not. The active substances of medicines inhibit the production of mediators of the inflammatory reaction, and in the pathology resulting from exposure to sunlight, disturbances have a different mechanism of occurrence.
Important! The treatment plan is chosen only by a doctor. Self-administration of drugs is not allowed.
Features of thermal shock treatment in a child
What to do with a thermal shock in the child, shouldknow every parent. First of all, it is necessary to differentiate the pathological condition of the baby. Heat stroke in the baby can appear even in conditions that are acceptable for adults. For example, we are talking about hugging a child into warm clothes, if the temperature regime does not require it.
Children of 3 years often get a "blow" on the beach. This is promoted by the aggressive rays of the sun, as well as the inattention of parents. It is important not to let the child on the beach between 10 and 16 o'clock in the afternoon. Another point to pay attention to is a lack of drink. Children do not always talk about what they want to drink, and parents forget to invite them to use water, juices, fruit drinks. The result is dehydration in conditions of high temperature of the environment.
The first manifestations are excessiveexcitability, capriciousness, tearfulness. Later, on the contrary, motor activity decreases, there is apathy, drowsiness, even loss of consciousness. Parents complain of the following signs of pathology in their children:
symptoms of dehydration;
convulsive attacks.
Important! If no measures are taken, and the baby's body continues to be in the same conditions, it is possible to stop breathing, heart, development of renal insufficiency and cerebral edema, the appearance of a coma.
Be sure to call a teamqualified specialists. While they arrive, you need to monitor the vital signs of the body (breathing, pulse, pupils' reaction to light). First aid is similar to adults (see above).
Antipyretics, like any other,except pharmacy Regidron (powder for the preparation of solution), give the baby should not. It is important to change the temperature of the environment in which it is before the arrival of the ambulance (not sharply and not critically!), Soldered with water, salt solutions.
It is better to prevent the development of severe pathology than to try to restore health. Prevention measures include the following items:
exclude stay in the sun in the middle of the day;
wearing a hat, glasses, light clothing made of natural fabrics;
To reduce the level of physical activity during a stay in the heat;
drink plenty of water (you can be cool, but not cold!);
refrain from abusing alcohol;
prefer low-calorie food.
Take care of yourself and be well!