Cautiously, heat! Solar and thermal shocks

A hot summer brings with it not only a sea of joys, but also a lot of unpleasant surprises. Solar and thermal shocks - one of the main dangers of the summer season.
A sunstroke results from a prolonged exposure to direct sunlight with an uncovered head. Symptoms of sunstroke are as follows: general weakness, lethargy, nausea, rapid pulse and breathing, dilated pupils.
With a more severe degree of sunstrokethere is also a sharp adynamy, stunnedness, uncertainty of movements, severe headache, severe vomiting, fainting, an increase in body temperature to 39-40 ° C.
Also, in some cases, a sunstroke may be accompanied by a sunburn.
Such symptoms are the body's reaction to overheating and dehydration, because sweating is intensifying in the heat. Suffering from sunstroke, it is urgent to provide first aid. First of all, the victim should be taken out of the overheating zone and put in the shade. Call a team of doctors.
Further It is necessary to take measures to cool the victim: moisten with cold water or make a cold compress, release from outer clothing. If the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to give him a sniff of cotton wool soaked in ammonia.
In severe cases, a sunstroke may even lead to a stoppage of breathing. Then the victim must necessarily do artificial respiration.
If the victim is conscious, it is necessary to give him an abundant drink to compensate for the loss of fluid in the body.
Sunburn, if it is in the victim, it is necessary to lubricate with petroleum jelly or any vegetable oil.
Symptoms of heat stroke are similar in many respects to the symptoms of sunstroke. However, heat stroke can happen not only in the open sun, but also simply in a hot, stuffy room, when performing heavy physical work, i.e. in conditions that promote overheating of the body.
In the event of a heat stroke, the relief measures are also similar to measures of assistance with a sunstroke. The injured person must ensure the influx of fresh air, release him from the outer clothing, provide cooling. On the victim's head should be put a cold compress or a hot water bottle with ice.
If the victim is conscious it is useful to give him strong cold tea or salted cold water - this will help restore the water balance in the body.
With severe headache or fever, the patient should be given an analgesic and antipyretic agent, for example 1-2 tablets of analgin or acetylsalicylic acid.
For the prevention of solar and thermal shock it is necessary to remember the following:
- leaving the sun, it is necessary to protect the head with a headdress made of light light fabric;
- In a heat it is not necessary to put too dense clothes interfering normal evaporation of sweat;
- Do not stay in the sun during hours when it is particularly active, i.e. in the period from 11 to 15 hours;
- To eat in the heat should be moderate, and you should not drink too much;
- sunbathing and sunbathing should not be earlier than 1 hour after eating.
Particularly careful to respect the basicthe requirements for the prevention of solar and thermal shock should be approached by participants in hiking, working in the field and at construction sites - physical activity increases the risk of getting a blow.