Burning tongue: causes and treatment of unusual sensations in the mouth

Some people quite often feel a strongburning in the mouth, which extends to the lips, tongue, palate, the inner surface of the cheeks. What can cause such unpleasant symptoms? Most often, the cause of discomfort is the development of a disease. According to statistics and various information on the Web (medical forum, portals), the language burns much more often in the fair sex. The burning sensation in the mouth has several medical terms - glossodynia, dentistry, burning tongue.

The main symptoms of burning tongue and lips

Burning tongue: causes and treatment of unusual sensations in the mouth

There are several most characteristic signs of this disease. Here are some of them:

  • pain and discomfort in the oral cavity occurs most often at night, and decreases slightly during the day;

  • some people constantly suffer from burning tongue after eating;

  • A painful phenomenon can disappear very quickly or last for months;

  • the patient feels dryness in the mouth, numbness, showing the tip of the tongue, metallic taste.

The cause of such symptoms may be female menopause, dental disease or pathology of the nervous system.

Causes of burning tongue after eating

Burning tongue: causes and treatment of unusual sensations in the mouth

Physicians are not yet able to come together in a single opinion and determine the exact cause of discomfort in the oral cavity. And all because there are a lot of reasons for this phenomenon.

Let's consider some of the most common causes of burning lips and tongue:

  • Shortage in the diet of some usefulvitamins and microelements. In case of unpleasant symptoms, try to eat as much as possible products containing iron, salts of folic acid, vitamin B, zinc.

  • Drug use.

  • Sjogren's syndrome, accompanied by affection of connective tissue.

  • Aphthous stomatitis of the oral cavity.

  • Mechanical injury to the mucous surface.

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, etc.). When the pathology of the internal organs develops, bile enters the esophagus, which leads to nausea, burning of the tongue and belching.

  • Nervous stress, frustration, depression. In case of malfunctioning of the nervous system, the composition and volume of saliva production changes, the lips and mouth begin to bake.

As you can see, the mouth and lips can burn for various reasons, and it is very difficult to establish the correct diagnosis on their own.

Why does the language burn at night?

Burning tongue: causes and treatment of unusual sensations in the mouth

If you notice that the pain in the mouth occurs at night, be sure to ask your doctor for help. These can be symptoms of the disease of the tongue.

The tongue becomes red and inflamed, sinceits surface is multiplied by viral bacteria. The disease is called glossitis, and can develop after receiving a minor injury to the oral cavity or as a symptom associated with other pathologies.

Diagnosis of the syndrome of burning tongue is a rather difficult and troublesome task. You will need to visit a dentist, therapist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, and also pass on a blood test and a smear from the throat.

Burning tongue - treatment

For the treatment to be most effective,the first thing to do is to eliminate the underlying disease or traumatic factor. There are several tips to help you quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

  • Adhere to a special diet that excludes everything hot and acute until full recovery.

  • Carefully treat all the erosions and sores in the mouth with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of antiseptic.

  • Solkoresinovaya ointment, jelly with vitamin A, rosehip oil will help to heal wounds more quickly.

  • Strengthen immunity and the disease will recede. For this, take a multivitamin complex, immunostimulants, antihistamines.

  • Carefully monitor the quality of oral hygiene.

  • In the case of candidiasis or other fungal disease it is necessary to use special medications and to treat the mucous surface with a solution of copper sulfate.

Burning tongue can be treated at homefolk remedies (iodine, etc). But do not get carried away by self-medication. If the painful symptoms do not disappear, be sure to consult a doctor and take all the necessary tests (check the stomach, thyroid function, etc.), and then the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications (tablets, etc.), further prevention is needed.

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