How to strengthen the muscles of the vagina

Many women after giving birth cannotice that they do not get enough pleasure from sex. Do not make hasty conclusions. You can hear the opinion that just does not fit the sexual partner, but often it is not. Recently appeared an interesting direction - vumbilding. With the help of it you can train the muscles of the small pelvis, while increasing your sensitivity and sexuality.

Methods of strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and uterus

Women begin to look for ways to strengthen musclessmall pelvis, not only when they get little pleasure from sex. More serious problems can lead to seeking information of this kind:

  • there is difficulty in emptying the bladder;

  • omission of the vagina or its loss;

  • During a cough or sneezing, a small portion of urine involuntarily flows;

  • there is constant pressure in this part of the body.

In addition to general recommendations, such as smoking cessation and weight loss, as well as squats, lunges and stuff, you can use Kegel exercises.

How to strengthen the muscles of the vagina

You can train in this way independently ofwhere you are - this is a huge plus. Improvement after training should be felt after six weeks of their regular execution. After birth, this process can take about three months.

Strengthened muscles of the pelvic floor increase blood circulation, thereby improving sensations during intercourse.

How to train the muscles of the vagina?

Many women do the exercise incorrectly,straining the inside of the thighs. To understand how to train productively, you can during urination, when you try to suspend the process, and then resume it.

For a full training, you need to lie downBack, while bending your knees, and try to relax the whole body. Then tighten the vagina so that you can fully experience what exactly you need to tap into. If this caused a problem, insert a finger lubricated with a lubricant approximately to a depth of two centimeters - try to squeeze.

After the principle of strengthening became clear,during one workout, you need to contract muscles 50 times with a delay of ten seconds for each voltage. You can also use various devices, for example, a ball.

Training apparatus for muscles of the vagina

All simulators operate on the same principle, which is aimed at strengthening the diaphragm of the pelvis, as well as the vagina.

Different firms offer a variety of options:

  • balls of silicone separately;

  • Two balls enclosed in one silicone shell;

  • medical digital perineometer - pneumatic simulator;

  • sets of cones of different diameters.

Pneumatic simulator is the prototype of the Kegel simulator, only it still has the ability to control the force of compression and their number with the help of the dial.

How to strengthen the muscles of the vagina

Kegel Muscle Simulator - how to use?

The device itself is a ball to which a thread is attached to control the depth. It can be either round or oval.

Important! It is impossible to use the trainers and the pneumatic without the supervision of the instructor and the appointments of a specialist. You can only train with those devices, the instructions of which indicate that they are recommended for independent use.

Insert in advance a boiled or antiseptic-treated training device (Kegel ball) approximately two centimeters. The cord must stay outside.

Begin to hold the ball for two seconds, then increase each squeeze for another two seconds. So go to ten seconds.

Remember that the voltage time when using the Kegel ball should be equal to the relaxation time.

It is important to engage in your body and be able to fullycontrol all processes. If you do not get it by yourself, there are a lot of special devices with which you can strengthen the vagina. It is also advisable to do gymnastics or yoga - this will allow you to feel better.

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