How to deal with stainsThe stains from the resin are erased with a bezin, but do not forget to place an absorbent under the fabric, for example several layers of blotting paper, under the fabric, and only after that patch it off.

Very old tar spots should be softened beforehand with turpentine - grind a good spot and let the fabric lie down for a couple of hours.

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- A strong solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) removes stains from the windows and mirrors, gives shine to the gilded wooden frames, helps to clean the tub, sink, enamel pan.

- Gloss of blind spots is muted bywet wipes. If these spots appear on a fiber product that does not withstand high temperatures, the water into which the napkin is dipped should not be too hot. Then the stain is treated with ammonia, after which the fabric is washed.

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