Exercises for pregnant women: 3 trimester
In the third trimester, pregnant women "live" unbearably: the fetus was finally formed, and the weight of the future mother, respectively, increased. The kid does not give mother's lungs fully to take in the air when they inhale - shortness of breath is guaranteed in the late period! In addition, because of the extra 5-10 kg the back hurts and the coordination of movements suffers. However, you should not get upset about this: back pain in the 3rd trimester can easily be avoided if you "unload" the locomotor system with simple exercises for pregnant women.
What can I expect from classes?
If a pregnant woman is not too lazy to perform simple gymnastics every day, she can safely count on:
stretched elastic muscles;
cheerfulness and good mood;
unproblematic course of pregnancy;
full development of the future baby;
good condition of the body in anticipation of childbirth.
The tasks of gymnastics for pregnant women 3 trimester
Complex exercises for pregnant women whoare on the home stretch of a long 9-month path, does not accept increased activity, but provides training of breathing in order to completely relax. Especially relevant at this stage are the exercises needed to increase the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles, preventing the exacerbation of venous insufficiency and strengthening joint ligaments. For this purpose, the complex of training for pregnant women in later terms is divided into positional and breathing exercises.
Positional gymnastics for pregnant women 3 trimesterTo minimize the load due to the special condition of a woman, fitball is used as a gym for exercising. The main "field of activity" in positional gymnastics for expectant mothers are arms, chest, buttocks and hips. Each exercise is performed for no more than 5 minutes, sensitively reacting to the slightest changes in state of health. When there is discomfort in the abdominal or back area, with a sudden increase in breathing, the activity is immediately stopped.
So, let's get started!
Lie on your back, putting one foot on the fitball. Carry the foot in a circle, alternating with the ball rolling forward and backward. Regular exercise will save you from varicose veins, help the muscles of the pelvis, back and legs to stay toned.
Conveniently settle on the ball in a sitting position,"Armed" with dumbbells weighing 0.5 kg. Now work with your elbows: bend and unbend your arms in the elbow joints. Dumbbells train the muscles of the hands, and balancing on the fitball - pelvic joints.
Sit on the floor "in Turkish," wrapping your arms around the ball. For a few moments, try not to squeeze it hard, overcoming the resistance, then relax. Exercise provides a good tone to the muscles of the chest and hands.
Respiratory gymnastics for pregnant women 3 trimester
Regular respiratory practice has a curativeeffect: training activates the metabolism, saturates the body's tissues with life-giving oxygen, contributing to the rapid recovery and growth of tissue cells. Moreover, the experience gained as a result of breathing exercises will help the expectant mother not to get confused directly during childbirth, to breathe properly and to quickly meet the long-awaited baby. The optimal duration of the lesson is at least 30 minutes.
We train diaphragmatic breathing. Sit down, placing one palm on your chest, place the second on your stomach. Breathe deeply and rhythmically with your nose. Pay attention: only the stomach should work, the thorax does not move at all.
Do not forget about chest breathing. Press your hands to the ribs, dilating your elbows to the sides. Through the nose, breathe in and out at a fast pace, making sure that the chest and stomach are still. Move should only elbows.
Before I do health gymnasticsat a late pregnancy, the expectant mother is obliged to consult on this matter with a gynecologist whom she trusts. Self-activity is inappropriate here: complications in the form of late toxicosis, polyhydramnios, vaginal discharge and other pathological conditions can become significant contraindications for physical activity.