Aqua aerobics for pregnant womenMany women stop exercising intime of pregnancy out of fear that physical exertion will badly affect the health of the unborn child and their own. In some ways, they are right: intensive training can really do much harm. But you can not completely refuse from sports: maintaining a good physical form will help to bear and give birth to a healthy child without problems. Aqua aerobics for pregnant women - one of the most useful and safe types of fitness for expectant mothers.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women allows you to fight with inactivity - a frequent problem of pregnant women. Its advantage over other types of fitness is that the exercises are performed in the water. At the same time the load on joints and spine is less, and the muscles do not strain, but relax. No fatigue - but there is a result. In addition, during swimming and aqua aerobics, all major muscle groups are involved.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women can not get better and keep weight within the limits of the norm. Breathing exercises will help prepare for childbirth - after all during childbirth it is important to be able to correctlybreathe. Strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and back also facilitates childbirth. Fitness in the water normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, helps to fight with bloating, heartburn, varicose veins, it serves as a preventative for some complications during pregnancy.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women differs from conventionalaqua aerobics selection of exercises. If in the first trimester of pregnancy you can perform almost all the same exercises that a woman performed before pregnancy, then beginning with the second trimester, a set of exercises, duration and intensity of training. Aqua aerobics for pregnant women excludesexercises for the muscles of the abdomen. The main emphasis is on improving body ownership, increasing overall flexibility, strengthening the pelvic muscles. Much attention is paid to the recovery phase (relaxation).

Training consists of four stages: warm-up, aquafitness, breathing exercises and stretching. Warm up includes swimming from the rim to the side and exercises for the arms and legs with full amplitude using special devices to stay afloat. Aquafitness - this is an exercise for walking in the pool, strengthening the hips, back muscles, the press and the pelvic floor. The third stage includes a variety of breathing exercises. Finally, stretching allows you to relax the muscles, return to normal heart rate and breathing.

All exercises need to be done slowly and smoothly, while maintaining their full amplitude. During the training it is important to monitor the posture andcorrect position of the body, breathe calmly and rhythmically. The intensity and duration of the exercises can be determined independently, focusing on your own feelings. Load should be increased gradually. If you do everything right, you will feel a surge of energy. Strong fatigue indicates that you are training incorrectly.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women can be practiced on any term of pregnancy. But before you start, you should consult a doctor. This type of fitness has its own contraindications. Aqua aerobics for pregnant women is contraindicated in:

  • threat of miscarriage

  • placenta previa

  • gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnancy)

  • acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases

  • abundant vaginal discharge

  • fungal diseases

If the doctor allowed to do water aerobics, then we should not forget that aqua aerobics for pregnant women should be primarily comfortable. If you experience discomfort, and even more - feel pain, you must immediately stop the occupation. Do not start classes if you are not feeling well, and immediately after eating. Also you can not eat right after the workout.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women - a great way maintain a good physical shape during pregnancy, prepare the body for childbirth and always be in a good mood.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women
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