How can I decipher the test for urine accumulation?
Bacteriological culture is called specieslaboratory study of human urine, which allows you to accurately identify the presence of various kinds of infections. Human physiological fluids can not be sterile, which is especially true for urine. A significant part of the bacteria enters its composition through the urethra. About what microorganisms are pathogenic and how to decipher the result of the analysis, we will tell in this article.
Definition of bacteriuria
This analysis aims to identify and assessamount of bacteriuria, i.e. the degree of microorganism concentration. For a healthy microflora a person needs bacteria such as diphtheria, streptococci and some types of staphylococci. These microorganisms are not pathogenic and do not cause any harm, as their concentration in the urine is insignificant. However, there are a number of other microbes, the high content of which can indicate the development of a particular disease. Therefore, it becomes necessary to pass the analysis and decipher the culture of urine.
How to collect urine for bacterial microflora?
This study is conducted in several stages and requires careful sampling of the material. For this, it is necessary to take into account such features of the process of passing the analysis:
To get a reliable result, you need to prepare an average morning portion of urine, a volume of 3-10 ml. In this case, it is necessary to collect it only in a sterile disposable container.
The sampling of the liquid on the bacteriosus should be performed after a careful toilet of the genitals, otherwise the deciphered data may prove to be false.
The collected urine must be submitted to the laboratory no later than 2 hours after its collection.
The further process proceeds according to this scheme: biological material is placed in a container containing substances nutrient for bacteria (agar-agar, dissolved sugar, etc.). If in a few hours the colony of microorganisms does not appear in the reservoir, then the urine accumulation is negative. But if there is an active growth of fungi and bacteria, then the result will be positive and it is possible to understand what kind of infection shows urine accumulation.
In which cases to conduct a study?
A doctor can prescribe an analysis if the patient has the following:
urinary tract infections
suspected resistant flora
early pregnancy
recurrent disease
control of treatment
atypical picture of the disease
Explanation of received data
Determine which bacteria are detected whenThe urine can be digested through a specific unit of CFU-a colony-forming index. It denotes one microbial cell that provokes the growth of an entire colony of bacteria.
The results can be as follows:
If the doctor detected up to 1000 CFU / ml, then this result indicates the accidental ingestion of microorganisms into the culture of the urine sample. In this case, no treatment is required.
If the indicator fluctuates within 100 000CFU / ml, this may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes of the urethra. In this case, the doctor prescribes treatment with a course of antibiotics.
If the CFU varies between 1000 and 10 000, such a result is called questionable. In this case, a re-examination is required.
Thus, we have examined the basic concepts andthe technique of testing for bacteriological culture of urine. Knowing the basic concepts and ways of taking urine, you can make the survey process easier and more comfortable.