Diabetes mellitus in children
Diabetes - a serious and dangerous disease. Unfortunately, in our time, cases of diabetes mellitus in children have become more frequent. Diabetes mellitus in children is particularly difficult. What are the signs of diabetes in children and how it is possible to identify this disease in the early stages, the Country of Soviets will tell.
Diabetes mellitus in children is difficult to diagnose, because many of its signs are "masked" for infectious diseases, adenovirus infections. Sometimes parents may not even suspect, that their child develops such a serious disease as diabetes.
Among the cases of diabetes mellitus in children, type I diabetes is most common. Symptoms of type I diabetes include dry mouth, thirst, frequent urination or even urinary incontinence, weight loss. Unfortunately, similar symptomatology is observedalso with a variety of other diseases in children, which often leads to a very late detection of diabetes, when he had already badly hurt the child's body.
Weakness, the taste of iron in the mouth, constantly itchy skin, visual impairment - all these are also symptoms of diabetes in children. These symptoms do not always appear. The most accurate diagnosis of diabetes in children is helped by laboratory tests of blood and urine.
Based on a blood test for the level of sugar,spent on an empty stomach, and then 2 hours after eating, the doctor determines whether the child has diabetes. You may also need tests for sugar in the baby's urine. If the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is confirmed, immediately begin treatment.
Treatment of diabetes in children is prescribed by a doctor, usually at home. A diabetic patient needs to eat often, but portions should not be very large. Parents should remember that with diabetes, children are shown a special diet, which, perhaps, the entire family will have to observe.
The fact is that children are particularly hard to "sit" on a forced diet, completely excluding sweets, when the rest of the family tastes cakes, cakes, pies. The temptation to secretly eat at least a piece of cake or a candy for children in this case is very large.
Therefore, it is best to try to help the whole sick child and to minimize the use of sweets, observe the diet. This, in addition, will be useful for the health of all family members.
Diabetes mellitus in children requires regular insulin injections, as well as regular monitoring of sugar levels inblood. Manipulations for the introduction of insulin preparations parents should be better mastered to be able to independently make the child vital injections. To measure blood sugar there are household portable glucometers.
Diabetes patients of children are usually exempt fromphysical education at school. But this does not happen because the sick child is not allowed to work, but because the teacher, who is engaged immediately with the whole class, is very difficult to control the state of such a child. Nevertheless, physical activity in diabetes mellitus is useful, it is important only to correctly approach this issue.
So, Do not recommend physical exercises for children with diabetes, between 12 and 2 pm. At this time, the blood sugar level is the mostlow and if the load on the body exceeds the level of sugar in the blood can drop dramatically and hypoglycemia may develop. At the same time, from 16 to 17 hours the blood sugar level is usually high, so at this time the child can exercise.
Diabetes mellitus in children - a serious disease that has to live with. But this does not mean that the sick child is in some way "flawed", on the contrary, his life should be as full, full, interesting!