Hyssop herb: medicinal properties, application in medicine

Hyssop comes from the Mediterranean, and has been known for more than a thousand years.

Hyssop: application in former centuries and now

If we talk about the history of the miracle plant and itsuse in different states and cultures, then it is just necessary to mention the most important importance in the Roman Empire. There he was loved not only as a medicinal plant, but also as an attribute of ceremonial goals.

In our time, everything has changed in terms of traditions, butthe needs of the human body remained the same. Because miracle grass is no longer needed as a ceremonial attribute, but it is in demand in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, colitis, stomatitis. Sometimes she can even return her voice.

With regard to the collection of medicinal herbs, it is necessary to cut only the upper parts of its shoots. They bind in bundles, and then hang out in a ventilated place with the purpose of drying.

The herb "hyssop": medicinal properties

Hyssop herb: medicinal properties, application in medicine

When we speak of such a plant as hyssop,its useful properties we can not designate only schematically, since its fight against colds manifests itself at different levels and concerns many organs and systems. So, with bronchitis, flu, cold and fever, hyssop acts like this:

  • promotes expectoration of mucus in the respiratory system;

  • coping with chills;

  • is a wonderful diaphoretic substance (opens the pores, warms the body).

Given this multi-level impact,talk about the significant benefits that the plant brings with the treatment of colds. Mentioning this action as a whole, it can be differentiated in the directions:

  • wound healing;

  • anti-inflammatory;

  • anesthetizing;

  • soothing;

  • antiseptic.

It is very important to note that hyssop is an excellent assistant not only for colds, but for certain ailments that affect the gastrointestinal tract. For example, it will be appropriate for chronic colitis.

As for external use, the herb will help in getting rid of:

  • inflammatory processes of the oral cavity;

  • problems with the throat;

  • hoarseness of voice.

Hyssop herb: medicinal properties, application in medicine

Also with hyssop make compresses for the eyes with their inflammation.

Useful components of hyssop

For those who wonder how one medicinal plant can treat so many ailments, everything will explain its composition. And this - the appearance of medicinal components, including:

  • essential oil;

  • tannin;

  • hesperidin;

  • ursolic acid;

  • oleanolic acid;

  • isospin glucoside;

  • camphene;

  • pinene;

  • cineole;

  • bitter and tannic substances.

Prescription of medicinal tea

To prepare medicinal tea from hyssop, you need:

  • take a quarter liter of cold water;

  • fill it with chopped herbs (2 teaspoons);

  • insist for five minutes;

  • strain.

The tea is ready for use. Its dosage is two cups a day.

Hyssop as seasoning

Hyssop herb: medicinal properties, application in medicine

Culinary experts say: Hyssop - a good seasoning, which has a pleasant taste and aroma. It can be added to a tender fry, cooked from veal and in need of spicy astringency. In addition, the spice will suit bean dishes, soups, soup, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, melted cheeses and cottage cheese. Considering the proportions described in the instructions for creating interesting dishes, do not forget to look at the reviews of people about them, because the excessive or insufficient addition of spices can spoil any culinary masterpiece. Therefore, be careful, study the opinions of others and, of course, try the dish for yourself during cooking.

Hyssop in landscape design

In addition, that the miracle plant hasmedicinal possibilities, it also serves for the sphere of landscape design. So, especially often the designers choose the hyssop for the so-called informal and wild gardens. According to them, against its background, both annual and perennial representatives of ornamental flora look wonderful.

Considering the extent to which hyssop is claimed in medicine and not only, it can be said with certainty that it deserves attention and study.

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