Hawthorn flowers: medicinal properties, application in folk medicine

Hawthorn has long established itself as aeffective folk medicine, helping to cope with many problems in the body. It does a good job not only in combination with other components, but also on its own.

Hawthorn: medicinal properties

We have long been accustomed to use for medicinal purposeshawthorn, considering it his traditional plant. And, probably, for many it will be a surprise that it is the most widespread in the states of North America. There you can find more than a thousand species of this medicinal plant. At the same time, its prevalence is so great that it grows in gardens, parks, forests and even right next to houses.

If you characterize the therapeutic use of hawthorn, it is worth noting that for medical purposes such constituent parts of it as:

  • bark;

  • flowers;

  • fruits that are already ripe.

With regard to harvesting plants for harvesting,it is important to know a few important nuances. Flowers should be collected in May and June, but only in dry weather. Fruits are collected in late August and September, and dried either in the shade or in dryers. The temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. For those who need the bark of a plant, it must be collected during the period of sap flow.

Hawthorn flowers: medicinal properties and application

Hawthorn flowers: medicinal properties, application in folk medicine

Stopping in more detail precisely on the flowers of hawthorn, it is worth noting that their infusion allows:

  • improve sleep;

  • beneficially affect the activity of the heart;

  • relieve spasms of blood vessels;

  • restore body reserves during rehabilitation after illness;

  • lower the blood cholesterol level.

As experts point out, the hawthorn does notis toxic. Therefore, if it is taken, you do not need to pay attention to the dosage. It is very important to remember that the infusion of flowers is more effective than the infusion of fruits. Such a medicine is perfect for you if you:

  • dizziness;

  • angina pectoris;

  • menopause;

  • heart ailments;

  • increased thyroid function;

  • epilepsy;

  • obesity;

  • rheumatism;

  • allergy.

In addition to the listed ailments, doctors recommend the flowers of hawthorn in the form of infusion or juice in the case when you are faced with diabetes mellitus or gastritis.

Hawthorn: application with other ingredients

Hawthorn flowers: medicinal properties, application in folk medicine

An interesting feature of hawthorn can be consideredthat he, in tandem with other components, forms excellent medications from a variety of diseases and problems in the body. Therefore this plant can be used not only in itself, but also together with other representatives of the medicinal flora.

If you suffered a heart weakness, then you can fight it with the help of such a recipe:

  1. take 50 grams of hawthorn flowers;

  2. add 20 grams of grass horsetail;

  3. add 30 grams of grass to the bird's highlander;

  4. we mix these components;

  5. brew with one glass of boiling water;

  6. insist for half an hour;

  7. A glass of medicine is drunk in portions throughout the day.

Infusion of hawthorn flowers

In order for the flowers of this plant to providethe most positive effect on the body, they are often cooked in the form of water infusion. To do this, they should take in the amount of one spoon and insist half an hour with a glass of boiling water. Before use, the product is filtered. Take it three times a day before meals. Dosage is half a glass.

However, before you start treatment with hawthorn, read in more detail not only with its positive properties, but also with contraindications.

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