How to get rid of moles

Moles are pigmented spots that canbe different in shape and color, and also be on any part of the body. The presence of such spots very often causes a certain anxiety and a desire to remove them. In this article, how to get rid of moles.

The best way to remove such spots is to access to highly qualified specialists, working in beauty salons. The fact is that self-treatment always carries a huge share of risk.

To get rid of moles, you can resort to the so-called operative intervention. This method is usually used for large-scale pigment spots. Its disadvantage is the formation of a noticeable scar, which will also need to be subjected to cosmetic correction.

You can also use electrocoagulation. This procedure is an impacton the mole with high-frequency magnetic waves. However, there will also be a scar later. This method is considered absolutely safe, as it is bloodless and is administered under local anesthesia.

In addition, you can get rid of moles with a laser. This method is practically painless and does not leave large traces in the form of scars. Laser removal is perfectly suitable for use in open areas of the body: face, arms, neck.

To remove small spots you can use radiosurgery. This method of treatment is non-contact and is carried out with the help of high-frequency radio waves. The main advantage of this method is the rapid healing of wounds.

In order to get rid of moles, initially for diagnosis can be applied surgical excision of spots. Usually such procedure is used formoles, which appeared in the patient not so long ago. Surgical excision is necessary to detect cancer cells in the early stages of development. Thanks to this technique benign formations are found - melanomas, which can later become malignant.

Finally, there are several folk recipes that can help you get rid of moles. Quite often used bleaching with lemon juice. However, it should be remembered that there may be irritation on the skin or allergic reactions. Therefore, do not use this method if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

Even for bleaching moles you can use hydrogen peroxide solution, which is sold in any pharmacy. It should be noted that this method is not very safe, since there is a risk of chemical damage to the skin.

Very often in folk medicine is used celandine, which can also be used to remove pigment spots. Remember that large doses of juice from this plant can cause redness and itching.

Also for the removal of a birthmark you can use acetic essence. Every evening, you need to drip one drop of this liquid for four to five days. After such a procedure, the stain will become much lighter.

As you could see, today there are a lot of ways to get rid of moles both in traditional and in folk medicine. However, in the case of a new birthmark, we recommend that you consult a doctor for diagnosis.

To prevent the appearance of moles, It is recommended to spend less time in the open sun and sunbathing without the use of a protective cream. It is also worth not to visit the solarium.

How to get rid of moles

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