Inhalation in the home

Quite often people suffer from colds (ARI,ARVI) and respiratory diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and others). One of the methods of treating such diseases is inhalation. It is carried out by inhaling medications in the form of vapors or aerosols. Often doctors give a referral for such procedures in the polyclinic, but inhalation therapy can be done at home. Before you do inhalation at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules of this process:

  • the procedure is carried out one hour after a meal, in order to avoid nausea or vomiting. After 30-60 minutes it is not recommended to eat, drink and even more smoke;

  • To carry out this kind of therapy should be sitting, at rest. Do not be distracted by talking, reading or watching TV;

  • Do not exercise for an hour before the session and for the same time after;

  • with a cold a breath becomes a nose, and at a cough and diseases of a pharynx - the mouth;

  • The time of the sessions (from 3 to 15 minutes) and their number (from 1 to 4 times a day) depends on the diagnosis, the condition of the patient and the medicines used.

Inhalation in the home

There are also contraindications for the procedure:

  • increased body temperature;

  • allergic reactions to the prescribed medication;

  • high blood pressure;

  • predisposition to epistaxis;

  • pulmonary and cardiac failure.

Inhalation in the home

Earlier, when scientific progress was only gainingturns and a device for inhalation at home was not invented yet, people came up with designs from improvised means. For example, in a pot or bowl with hot water, add the necessary medicines, bend over it, cover with a towel and breathe. For such therapy, both herbal infusions and potato broth were suitable. Less is the risk of burning your skin. For children, a safer procedure was done. We took a mug with the same components and covered it with a funnel made of cardboard. Through a small hole, the baby breathed in the mouth with vapors, and exhaled through the nose. The main thing is that the water is not very hot, in order to avoid thermal burns of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

In our time there are many adaptations forinhalations. These are different types of inhalers: steam, ultrasonic, compressor. Great success is enjoyed by such a device for inhalations in the home, like a nebulizer. This device converts liquid medications into aerosol, which makes the process more efficient.

There are several types of inhalations -steam, oil, heat, moist, dry or cold. What kind of use is best depends on the disease. For the same reason, solutions and medicinal mixtures for this procedure are different.

Inhalations in the common cold at home:

  • boil the potatoes in the peel, drain the water, breathe over the potato steam capacity;

  • brew in steep boiling water kidney pine, give a little cool, inhale the vapor;

  • in the hot water add a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol. These components compete remarkably with rhinitis. Also, salt and a few drops of iodine will do.

Inhalation in the home

For procedures steam inhalator suitable seawater, which can be prepared by dissolving 1 gram of sea salt in 100 ml of boiled water. Use and saline (sodium chloride). You can add 15 drops of sea buckthorn oil or Kalanchoe juice to the glass of this remedy.

In nebulizers, with the common cold, the same saline solution is used, and alkaline mineral water (mainly Borjomi) is used, first releasing them from the gases.

Inhalation in the home

Cough Inhalation

For inhalation of fumes with a wet cough suitableinfusions of nettle, lime, sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, coltsfoot or raspberry leaf. You can prepare solutions using the oil of coniferous trees. When dry cough helps well soda inhalation. Such components are also used for steam engines.

Inhalations for colds at home are a wonderful way on the road to recovery.

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