How can people alleviate suffering with sciatica with the help of folk methods?

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve - a diseaseinsidious and unpleasant. Pain, then subsiding, then growing, but not letting go of yourself. A normal cough or sneezing can cause unbearable anguish. When the sciatic nerve hurts, there is no way to fully move, sleep, sit. How to alleviate suffering, whether there is an opportunity to get rid of this ailment - is interested, in the first place, those who have felt his painful manifestations. What is the sciatic nerve, symptoms and treatment of the disease - it will be of interest to many to know.

The sciatic nerve controls the lower limbs,their motor and sensitive functions. This is the largest nerve, imagine the size, if it is formed, merging, two lumbar and three sacral roots.

How can people alleviate suffering with sciatica with the help of folk methods?

Symptoms and causes of this pathology

Symptoms will depend on the stage of the diseaseand severity. Only pain in the lumbar region will remain unchanged. The nature of pain depends on the intensity of the process. Over time, there is an increase and spread to the buttocks, hips and lower leg. Characterized by painful lumbago in the leg. At first, the process is one-sided, with time it can spread to the other half of the body. If the sciatic nerve hurts, the symptoms can also be:

  1. muscle weakness;

  2. general malaise, burning sensation in the lumbar region;

  3. numbness and tingling of the lower limbs.

If there is no necessary treatment, the disease progresses, the pain becomes unbearable, even deep breathing suffers. The pain syndrome is not removed in any position of the body.

Causes pathology to pinch or stretchnerve. This can occur due to osteochondrosis, after lifting the severity, getting injuries from falls and strokes, with age-related changes in the spinal canal, tumors. In addition, the cause may be a hernia between the vertebrae. The provoking factors are hypothermia, abscesses and thrombi, infectious diseases that affect the pelvic organs.

How can people alleviate suffering with sciatica with the help of folk methods?

How to ease the pain and help people treat

Making the correct diagnosis with thisa variety of reasons is extremely necessary. Correct treatment of the sciatic nerve will appoint only a qualified specialist. But there are recommendations of traditional medicine that will not allow the disease to start and ease its course.

For a long time, compresses withbeeswax and propolis. Loins (preferably at night) are lubricated with propolis oil, the heated wax is spread on top, wrapped with polyethylene and a blanket. Treatment of sciatica nerve inflammation is carried out with compresses with elder and officinal chamomile. Their flowers are taken in the same parts, they are filled with boiling water, quickly put in a bag of natural tissue, cover a sore spot and wrap. Helps to remove inflammation rubbing the waist with fresh agave juice, when applying it, you need to observe safety measures - the plant is a strong allergen.

The answer to the question, sciatic nerve,what to do will be recommendations for the use of honey and flour from rye. Of them, cakes are made of dense consistency, applied to the waist, covered with polyethylene and a warm kerchief, by morning the pain must go away. You can apply rubbing ointment: the grass of the marsh ledum is filled with vegetable oil 2.5 times more, boiled for half a day, after cooling, the oil is squeezed.

How can people alleviate suffering with sciatica with the help of folk methods?

If acquired a chronic form of neuritissciatic nerve, symptoms, treatment will be different from acute form. You can use broths and infusions of St. John's wort (strong infusion drink 0.25 liters 4-5 times a day) and burdock roots (in a glass of red wine, boil for 5 minutes 2 tablespoons of crushed roots, divided into 2 meals per day).

To alleviate suffering, rather than exacerbate them, the use of folk remedies is necessary only after consulting a doctor, provided there are no contraindications.

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