Discomfort in the stomach
Attitude to the appearance of unpleasant sensations instomach or intestines are different for all people. Some are in a hurry to endure the most terrible diagnosis, others just do not pay attention to it. Not right neither one nor the other. It is not necessary to panic, but to find the cause of this phenomenon and to try to get rid of it is simply necessary. After all, discomfort in the stomach and intestines can be easily eliminated if it is caused by an improper diet or way of life. In the case when these are the first bells of the beginning disease, it is better to start treatment on time.
Manifestations and causes
Discomfort in the stomach after eating can manifest itselfnausea, vomiting, heartburn, eructations, a feeling of heaviness after eating, spasms and pain. One of the main causes of such phenomena is malnutrition. Disruption of diet, when after several hours of fasting a large amount of food is consumed; very fatty and poorly digestible food in large quantities; the use of substandard products.
It is a mistake to believe that the negative consequencesare only when you abuse fat. Excessive consumption of protein foods leads to putrefactive processes, carbohydrates - to fermentation. Sometimes the reasons are not related to nutrition: excessive loads, alcohol and smoking abuse, frequent stressful situations. The feeling of heaviness after eating indicates a slowdown in the evacuation of food from the stomach.
Discomfort in the intestine is unpleasantsensations or pains, diarrhea or constipation, increased gas production. The causes may be vegetovascular dystonia, chronic stressful situations, neuroses. Poisons or infections cause this condition less often.
Dyspeptic phenomena may indicatepregnancy, poisoning with alcohol or other toxic substances. Can be a sign of pathology - cholecystitis, appendicitis, diseases of the abdominal cavity; the consequence of an acute infectious disease or lesion of the nervous system. In this case, prompt and qualified treatment is compulsory.
How can I ease dyspepsia
When vomiting, you need to empty the stomach of food and take a large amount of fluid. With a feeling of nausea, low-fat and non-hot soups and broths, soft drinks will help.
Very effective tool to facilitatediscomfort in the abdomen, is a diet. Eat often and gradually. It should not be that the food is oily, spicy and salted, do not eat fried foods and deep-fried foods. Refuse from smoked products, strong coffee and tea, spices. Take care that with the food in your body do not get chemical additives - sweeteners, dyes, taste enhancers. Fast food is one of the main enemies of your stomach.
A healthy lifestyle, rejection of bad habits,prevention of stressful situations will also help to get rid of such a phenomenon as discomfort in the stomach. Many drugs irritate the gastric mucosa. If there is no way to completely abandon them, then strictly observe the instructions for taking medications.
To get rid of discomfort inintestines, you also need proper nutrition, you may need the help of a psychotherapist. But, in any case, you need to see a doctor and get tested. The last word will be for the doctor.