Astragalus: therapeutic properties, photo, application
As the researchers report, those components,which are part of the astragalus, very beneficial effect on the body in a complex manner, without missing a single system. In addition, he is able even to restrain old age. That is why many people apply it in their recipes of natural remedies.
Astragalus: application
If you recall those biologically active substances that are contained in this plant, then they can be conditionally differentiated into groups. It:
polysaccharides, which play the role of immunostimulating substances;
flavonoids, absorbing ultraviolet and, thus, fighting with the diseases of the oncological spectrum;
Organic acids that promote digestive processes in the body;
vitamin groups C and E;
Essential oils, which have a multifaceted healing effect.
Referring in more detail to the last point, it can be noted that these oils have the effect of the following character:
Speaking of such a plant as an astragalus, its healing properties could be listed for a very long time, but if we talk about them in general terms, then this will be the action:
In addition to the above, astragalus is also usedas an expectorant. It is no less effective, as a laxative, which does not cause addiction. The plant is indispensable as a form of rheumatism and is especially good at the first signs, scrofuses and dermatitis.
If we talk about what parts of the plant are usually used, then it is the roots, and the leaves, and flowers, cut during the flowering period.
Infusion from hypertension
we take a glass of boiling water;
add 2 tablespoons of dry herbs;
soak 15 minutes in the water. bath;
well filter;
take 3 times a day (dosage - 2 table spoons of medicine at a time).
This course must be completed within six months.
Infusion from arteriosclerosis of blood vessels
we take astragalus woollyflower;
make a tincture based on this herb and seventy-degree alcohol;
the ratio should be 1: 3.
The course lasts ten days. Then you should rest for about a week, and after - the repetition of the course. Dosage - 30 drops of medicine at a time. It is drunk three times a day before meals.
Astragalus treatment of constipation
we cultivate 10 grams of dry root extract in one glass of boiling water;
we insist for 15 minutes;
we cool.
This medicine is administered rectally with an enema. In addition, you can add the product while washing in the bath. This will provide a calming effect.
It is also important to note that the grass hascontraindications. It should never be used during pregnancy and with individual intolerance. There are also cases when you need to exercise extreme caution when using it. This is a severe form of hypertension.
For what astragal love representatives of traditional medicine?
If we talk about why people,versed in folk recipes, trust this herb, then you can list many different factors. First and foremost, it is worth noting the widest range of effects on the body's systems, a characteristic astragalus. It not only calms, but also helps improve heart activity and the state of blood vessels, helps to get rid of increased blood pressure, eliminates headaches, tinnitus, fights against neuroses.
Speaking of neuroses, it is impossible not to mention the fact thatthese diseases, turning into a real scourge of our time, are very often treated with addictive medications. That's why many people are looking for a worthy alternative to such therapy. She, as a rule, becomes popular recipes.
Given the properties of the described herbs, you can pick up the prescription and dosage for yourself. This will help you get rid of troubling ailments.