The healing properties of aspen
The healing properties of aspen often used in both traditional andfolk medicine. In this tree is valued not only the bark, but also the leaves, as well as the kidneys. As a rule, all these ingredients are used to prepare decoctions for fighting various diseases.

For a very long time people have noticed that as soon assomewhere in the forest the aspen falls, immediately hares, mice, roe deer, moose and other animals are attacked to swallow the bark of this tree. Aspen bark is very bitter, unlike oak bark and linden trees, which animals do not touch. All this is quite simple to explain. Aspen bark contains a huge amount of useful substances, which can positively influence the human body.

The composition of the bark, leaves and buds of this tree includes ascorbic acid, essential oils, carotene, protein, cellulose, glycosides and various microelements. It is the medicinal properties of aspen that contributed to the emergence of the first antibiotics and aspirin. In addition, the glue processed by bees, collected from aspen buds, is a part of propolis.

Most of the elements of this tree, if properly processed have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antipyretic and diuretic effects on the human body.

Decoction of the kidneys of this tree is often used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints and the genitourinary system. It is also worth noting that the kidneys are used to make ointments that can effectively remove pain from bruises and heal wounds.

To improve the functioning of the digestive tract, decoctions of aspen bark. They are used in the treatment of gastritis and diabetes.

As for the leaves of this tree, they help to get rid of lichen and warts. Besides, products made from aspen leaves, contribute to improving the general condition of people suffering from gout and rheumatism.

Today, the pharmacological industry produces a huge variety of drugs, which include aspen leaves, kidneys and bark. These medicines prescribe in the treatment of malaria, tuberculosis, dysentery, pneumonia, nephritis, cystitis and many other ailments. The healing properties of aspen positively affect the work of the kidneys, spleen and liver.

It is necessary to tell about the ways of preparation of medicines from aspen raw material. For the infusion of kidneys, you need to take two teaspoons of kidneys and pour two cups of boiling water. The liquid must be infused over a period of 15minutes. After this, it must be filtered. To use the received dose of infusion should be within one day. Also, this liquid can be used to rinse the oral cavity.

To prepare a decoction of the kidneys or bark, take 45 grams of raw material and boil it in 0.5 liters of water. The fire can be turned off only when half the liquid evaporates. Further strain and cool the broth to room temperature.

In addition, the medicinal properties of aspen can be used by preparing tincture of the kidneys. To do this, you need a crushed and dry raw material to fill 40% alcohol in a proportion of 1:10. Take the received tincture is recommended for 20-30 drops three times a day.

As you can see, the bark, leaves and kidneys of aspen are widely used both in folk medicine and for the production of conventional medicines. Medicinal raw materials, obtained from this tree, can be found in any pharmacy, which will allow you to independently prepare various means.

The healing properties of aspen
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