Wax epilation at home
Waxing is one of the most popularmethods of removing unwanted hair, because it provides a more durable result than shaving. This procedure can be performed in the salon, but for the sake of saving time and money, many women make it at home. How correctly conducted wax epilation at home?
Please note that you can only do wax epilationon relatively long hairs (not less than 5 mm in length), short hairs may simply not retire, because the wax can not normally "grab" them. The day before the procedure, make a peeling: so the wax will stick better to the hair, and wax hair removal at home will be more effective. In addition, the peeling before and after epilation serves as prevention of ingrown hairs.
To wax epilation was less painful and more effective, Before the procedure it is necessary to steam the skin, taking a bath or at least a shower, degrease it with a special lotion and wipe dry. No moisturizers to use before hair removal is not necessary.
Wax for epilation is better to buy in the store, good, now there is a huge range ready-made products for home wax epilation. This is wax in jars, and wax in cassettes, equipped with a special roller attachment for easier application, and finished wax strips.
All these means should be used according to the instructions. Thus, can wax is usually heated inmicrowave or in a water bath. Before the procedure, it is necessary to check the temperature of the wax on a small area of the skin to avoid burns. Wax strips can be simply heated, for this, rub them between the palms.
If you have never done wax epilation on your own, start better with your feet, and when you have experience, you can move to more sensitive parts of the body. Apply the wax with a special spatula in the direction of hair growth. Do not try to apply it immediately to a large area, remove hair in small "portions".
On top of the wax, place a special tissuestrip, while it should be at least 1 cm longer than the waxed area. The strip must be smoothed in the direction of hair growth. With one hand, hold the skin, and the other Take the edge of the strip and quickly remove the tissue against hair growth. If necessary, you can repeat, but do not do it more than twice in a row.
If you use ready-made strips, the algorithm of actions does not change much: the strip should be placed on the skin area,several times smooth it in the direction of hair growth, and then remove one quick movement in the opposite direction, holding the skin with your free hand.
After the procedure, rinse with water the leftover wax. To soothe the skin (by the way, redness afterwaxing - this is normal), you can wipe it with an ice cube of chamomile broth. Then you should apply a moisturizer or wipe the skin with special napkins, which usually come complete with wax.
To wax hair removal at home has been successful, you need to remember a few important rules:
Epilation should be done in advance, and not before the very exit from the house, so that redness disappears;
if during the procedure you feel burning or discomfort, the wax should be immediately removed and the skin - rinsed with water;
You can not remove the strip in the direction of hair growth, and also epilate the same area more than 2-3 times during one procedure;
if you have applied superheated wax, wash it off as quickly as possible under cold running water;
after removing hair do not rub or comb your skin, this will only aggravate irritation;
during the day after the procedure you can not sunbathe, and also use antiperspirants and perfumes.
Please note that waxing has its contraindications. Use this method of hair removal is not possible withvaricose veins, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, as well as irritated skin (including after sunburn), the presence of moles and other formations (warts, papillomas), scars, injuries. Also, wax epilation is not recommended for elderly people and people with individual intolerance to the components that make up the wax mass for depilation. For pregnant women, the prohibition does not apply, but note that during pregnancy, waxing can lead to bruising.
Wax epilation at home - an effective way to remove unwanted hair, but it is very important to carry out the procedure correctly to avoid irritation, ingrown hairs, burns and other undesirable consequences.