Epilation during pregnancy
Pregnancy is not a reason to stop caringOn the contrary, many women pay special attention to their appearance during this period. That's just not all beauty treatments are useful for the body of a pregnant woman. Will not harm, for example, hair removal during pregnancy?
Often, the issue of removing unwanted hair becomes particularly acute during pregnancy, because due to hormonal changes in the body, the hair begins to grow more active than usual. In this case, instead of immediately startingto select a suitable method of epilation, you must first turn to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. It will help to determine whether increased hair growth is associated with natural physiological changes or with pathology.
If the doctor has not found any deviations, you can think about which way to remove unwanted hair will suit you best. At all, hair removal during pregnancy is undesirable, it is better to do depilation. We think the difference between depilation and depilationmost women are known, but just in case, we will recall it again. Depilation (shaving, using cream) affects only that part of the hair that protrudes above the skin. Epilation also affects the hair follicle.
Epilation during pregnancy is undesirable because,that during pregnancy in women, the sensitivity of the skin increases. And most methods of epilation, although effective, but painful. Direct harm to the child from laser or electrical hair removal will not be, but the pain experienced by the mother provokes the production of stress hormones that can adversely affect the development of the fetal nervous system. Therefore, electro-, photo- and laser hair removal during pregnancy is not recommended, as is the use of the epilator.
And what about bioepilation (wax, shugaring, phytomass)? Wax or sugar hair removal during pregnancy is not prohibited, but in this case, you should be careful. If this procedure is very painful for you, during pregnancy, you should abstain from it. If you do not feel any particular pain, you still need to pay attention to several important points.
During pregnancy, a woman may develop or begin to develop varicose veins, and with this disease, waxing is contraindicated. Also during pregnancy, atopic dermatitis may worsen, in which epilation is also undesirable.
Also do not forget about other contraindications to bioepilation: diabetes, skin injuries, education onskin, virally-infectious diseases, exacerbations of herpes, allergy to components of the composition for epilation. All these contraindications act not only during pregnancy, and with them it is necessary to be considered.
That's why during pregnancy it is recommended to resort to depilation. But here, too, should take into account one point. During pregnancy, many women exacerbate the sensitivity of the body to allergens(more about this you can read on the siteCalendar of pregnancy) As a result, those cosmetics (depilation creams, shaving aids) that you normally used before pregnancy, during the period of bearing a child can trigger an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the depilation procedure, try cosmetics on a small area of the skin and follow the reaction.
So, most experts agree that hair removal during pregnancy is undesirable. In this period, it is worth giving up allpainful ways to remove hair and restrict depilation. Any pain experienced by the mother is reflected in the child, so it is better to sacrifice the beauty for the sake of your baby's health. And if you are too irritated by excess vegetation, it is better to use an old-good razor and in addition check the status of your endocrine system. Do not be afraid to appear reinsurer: during the carrying out of a child, increased concern for one's health is justified, caring for yourself, you care about your child.