Elos - epilation

Recipes for removing excess "vegetation" on the bodywere known to women in ancient Egypt or Greece. Since then, of course, the methods of epilation have been significantly improved. Today, the services of the beautiful half of humanity are represented by the latest medical advances in the removal of facial and body hair.

Elos - epilation is a gentle procedure,based on the simultaneous use of current and light energy. These two powerful forces are directed to the hair follicle, destroying it "under the root". At the same time, there are no traces of the effect on the skin, since a protective layer of gel is applied to the site before the procedure. This technology is the "product" of the well-known company Syneron Medical LTD (Israel). The most famous clinics of the leading countries of the world have long discovered an Elo - epilation, and since 2000 Russia has also started applying this modern technology.

Features of laser elo - epilation

Many women are afraid of hair removal procedures.quite understandable reasons. Suddenly, there will be side effects - redness or rash on the surface of the skin? After carrying out the elo - epilation, there is no reason for the excitement, because the skin will get a pleasant smoothness, and you do not even remember such unpleasant phenomena as a rash, itching and ingrown hair. So, here are a few undeniable arguments in favor of Elos - hair removal:

• Painless

• The result of the procedure is pure smooth skin

• "Cope" with a hair of any thickness

• Time spent on conducting - minimal

It is known that some time afterhair removal unwanted hair have an annoying property to "grow back" again. The procedure of elo - epilation, conducted from 3 to 5 times (with intervals of 1.5 - 2 months), completely and irrevocably eliminates the problem of unnecessary "vegetation". In addition, this method can be applied to everyone who has reached the age of 18. The essence of this method is that the hair bulb is destroyed and at this point the hair will no longer grow. Than not a fairy tale?

How much does elos - hair removal?

Let's say immediately, "on the run" to announce the amount of the procedurehardly it will turn out, as the price of elo - epilation depends on several factors. To begin with, an experienced dermatologist-cosmetologist will find out possible contraindications to the procedure, determine the type of skin and hair. Then, taking into account the received information, he will be able to determine the final cost of the course of elo - epilation. It should be noted that hair removal in different parts of the body is characterized by the amount of time.

For example, elos - epilation of the upper lip is performedmuch faster than a similar procedure on the legs. This is due to the fact that these zones differ in the amount of hair, as well as the duration of the resting phase of hair (this time alternates with the growth phase). It is known that elos - hair removal is most effective at the stage of hair growth. Therefore, you have to "wait" until the rest phase passes, and you can perform another hair removal procedure.

Elos - hair removal - contraindications

Despite modern technologies, the procedure is prohibited when:

• Pregnancy

• The presence of a number of diseases (diabetes, epilepsy, oncology, lupus erythematosus)

Weak immunity

• Allergies to the sun

• Presence of scars and lesions on the skin area, which is planned to be subjected to elo - epilation

Even such "harmless" procedure, as removalhair in the bikini or armpits area, requires preliminary consultation with a specialist - endocrinologist or mammologist. If you are interested in elos - hair removal, reviews about the procedure can easily be found on the pages of various sites.

The opinions of women were somewhat divided - one Elos- the course brought the expected effect, others were not entirely satisfied with the result. Of course, every organism has its own characteristics. Therefore, before deciding on elos - hair removal, you should consult with experienced professionals. If doctors allow - you can bring beauty!

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