Removal of unwanted hair: depilation methods

Removing superfluous hair on a body - the eternal femaleproblem. Each woman wants to sport her smooth legs, and in summer to afford the most open swimsuit. Different types of hair removal - removing unwanted hair - have been known for a long time. What methods of removing superfluous hairs are most effective and safe?
First of all, it should be noted that epilation and depilation. Depilation is the removal of the visible parthair, i.e. the one that protrudes above the surface of the skin. Epilation is the complete removal of the hair, along with the hair bulb. Depilation gives a short-term effect, and hair removal keeps the skin smooth for a long time or even forever.
One of the most common and, moreover, cheap methods of depilation is shaving. The razor cuts the visible above the surface of the skinpart of the hair, but does not remove it completely. The opinion that after shaving the hair begins to grow faster or become thicker, is mistaken. Shaving on these processes is absolutely not affected. And the fact that after the shave the hairs become more noticeable, is explained by the shape of the cut of the overgrown hairs.
The shaving procedure has to be repeated very often- after all already literally in some hours on the processed site of a skin there is a stinging "bristle". And with the fact that the razor not only cuts the hairs, but also damages the upper layer of the skin, often on the skin there is irritation. To reduce this irritation it is possible, if you use special creams and shaving foams, which soften the skin. After shaving, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed, dried and greased with a shaving aid (lotion, cream, gel, etc.). This will provide the skin with sufficient moisturizing and protection. In addition, many modern shaving aids are supplemented with special ingredients to slow down hair growth, which allows less frequent use of this procedure.
Chemical discoloration - this is not a method of depilation, but a kind ofmasking unwanted hairs. Usually used for rare hairs on the face or body. The principle of action is the same as with normal hair clarification: a liquid clarifier is applied to the desired area and after a while is washed off. After this procedure, the hairs lighten and become brittle. Since hair grows constantly, chemical discoloration should be carried out often, so that the overgrown roots are not visible. But with the constant application of this procedure, the hairs become more and more delicate and fragile each time.
Bioepilation Is the removal of unwanted hair with the help ofwax, tar, burnt sugar. The heated substance is applied to the skin, on top of it is pasted a strip of tissue or paper. When the substance has hardened, a sharp movement in the direction opposite to the direction of hair growth, the strip breaks, and with it - and stuck hairs. There is also bioepilation with "cold" wax, but "hot" is less painful, because the pores of the heated skin are wider and the hairs are removed more easily.
The main danger of using hot methodsbioepilation - possible burns. Therefore, the manufacturer's instructions and holding time should be strictly observed. Before and after the procedure, the skin needs to be treated with an alcohol-containing agent. In addition, after wax depilation, you need to use a means to reduce irritation and a means that depress hair growth. This depilation is enough for 2-3 weeks, after which the procedure must be repeated. Depilation with hot wax (or resin) is recommended for underarms and a bikini zone.
Depilatory creams - painless method of depilation. Such creams are prepared on the basis of thioglycolic acid, mixed with sodium hydroxide and calcium. The action is based on the chemical reaction between the hairs and the components of the cream. The hairs "dissolve" and after 3-15 minutes they can be washed off with a special sponge or spatula. Chemicals do not penetrate deep into the skin, but act only on the hair shaft, so depilatory creams are safe. The effect of the cream is just as short as shaving.
Tweezers or Electrodepilators remove the hairs by a conventional plucking method. And if manually, with tweezers, you can treat only a small area of the skin, then the electric depilator has a lot of small pincers, which allow him to remove a lot of hairs in one "pass". The thicker the pincetics are in the electric depilator, the less it will be necessary to make "passes". The procedure for removing hair with an electric depilator is very painful, usually it is applied on the legs, and only to the knees, tk. above the skin is very sensitive. Very often, after the depilator, the roots of the hairs remain unfolded in the other direction, which can lead to ingrown hairs into the skin.
ABOUT modern methods of epilationi.e. full removal of unwanted hairs, read in our next article.