Allergy to the sun
With the onset of pores of vacations, many tryleave is not resorts, where you can soak under the warm rays of the sun, to buy in salt water. In short, a good rest. But rest can spoil the appearance of an unusual rash and itching. it allergy to the sun, which can deliver a lot of problems.
This disease has many names: allergy to the sun, photodermatosis, solar urticaria. Different names, but the essence remains the samesame. After a long stay in the sun, spots and rashes appear on the skin. And the itching is simply impossible to endure. This is all an allergy to sunlight, which, incidentally, is very easy to confuse with other types of allergies, for example, food.
Let's figure out where the solar allergy comes from. On the sun's rays, the body's allergic reaction can not be. So do not think that you are foreverit is forbidden to sunbathe in the sun. The fact is that the sun's rays provoke the body's reaction to other stimuli. And this can be chlorinated water in the pool, some substances that are part of cosmetic products, pollen of exotic plants and even medicines.
Allergy to the sun: symptoms
Allergy to the sun is only a manifestation of weak areas of the body. Therefore, not all people are affected. People who have problems with kidney, adrenal and liver functions, pregnant women, people with white skin and lots of moles, freckles, and children fall into the risk zone. Taking certain drugs, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, can also cause the body's reaction to the sun.
Some people have an allergyin 10-15 minutes of stay in the sun. Others may have a slower reaction, so the rash will only be visible after a few hours. In some cases, before the appearance of a rash, it can take up to three days. The symptom of sun allergies is not only a rash, but also:
- skin peeling
- edema
- redness of the skin
- heavy itching
- burning
- similar to burns blisters
- increase in temperature up to 38 ° С
- in rare cases, fainting and attacks of suffocation are possible
Allergy to the sun: treatment
Like any other disease, allergy to the sun can be treated. Various ointments (which contain zinc,methyluracil or lanolin) and hormonal drugs will help cope with itching. You can also use antihistamines, which will remove inflammatory processes. But do not focus only on eliminating the effects of allergies. It is much more important to treat it.
Since the emergence of allergies to the sun is associated with a violation of certain functions of internal organs and weakening of immunity, then these causes should be eliminated. Consult your doctor with your problem. The doctor will prescribe medications that will help restore normal liver function, normalize metabolism and renew skin cells (vitamins E, C, group B, nicotinic acid and antioxidants). After a while you will completely get rid of allergies to the sun. Her relapse is almost impossible. And if the allergy returns again, it will be in the form of severe eczema.
And do not forget that any disease is better prevented than treated. Do not lie in the sun for too long. Start taking sun baths from a short time: 10-15 minutes will be enough. Also do not use any perfume, deodorants or aromatic oils when you go out to the beach. Be sure to use sunburn creams and refuse to take medications that can trigger the appearance of allergies. Lightweight clothing made from natural fabrics that will cover the body from sunlight will also help you avoid allergies.