Allergy to dust: how to cope?

Allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to certain environmental substances, for example allergy to dust, household chemicals, pollen of flowering plants, some products containing an allergen.
Exactly household dust is one of the most common allergens. If you think that you sneezed during cleaning only from the fact that the dust hit the respiratory tract - you are mistaken. Blame everything dust mite, which lives in your bed (pillows,blankets, downy feather beds, mattresses, fabric sofas, etc.). These are tiny insects like spiders, do not try to find them in your bed, you just will not see them with the naked eye. They are tiny - in diameter about 0,1-0,3 mm.
They feed on the scales of the horny layer of the skin, of which 80% house dust.
Ticks are bigger in bed and a storage closet than on the floor in the house. About 200 - 15000 mites are located in one gram of dust from a pillow or a mattress!
Dust mites do not bite people, allergen are feces of ticks.
Allergy to house dust (mites) manifested in the form of rhinitis (chronic rhinitis), asthma (dry suffocating cough), sometimes conjunctivitis (reddening of the mucous membrane of the eyes, rupture of the capillaries under the influence of inflammation).
The allergy does not appear at all, but only at those,who is predisposed to it (genetically, or in connection with weak immunity). That is, in your family there may be an allergy in a small child, or in a person who is susceptible to chronic diseases.
Symptoms of allergies to house dust similar to the symptoms of allergy to pollen. Namely: red, watery eyes, a clogged nose, sneezing. Some people may have asthma symptoms. These include: coughing, shortness of breath, hoarse voice.
Do not consider the bed your ardent enemy, if you are allergic to dust, maybe the source of dust is completely in another place. It can be: furs, carpets, books, magazines (which have long been forgotten), soft toys, especially old ones, fabric upholstery on furniture, curtains and tulle on windows, and bed, of course.
Do not disregard the basic tips of cleanliness, and an allergy to dust will never bother you:
- As often as possible, do a wet cleaning in the house.
- At any time of year, ventilate the room.
- Carefully vacuum the carpets and furniture with fabric upholstery.
- In summer, dry the mattresses and pillows in the sun.
- Feather pillows and mattresses are best removed andreplace them with modern sinteponovye, silicone. Or if it's important for you that the pillow is just a fountain, clean the pillows (special service) as soon as it seems to you that it has become a "smell" of dust.
- If your child sleeps only with the beloved bear, try cleaning it or washing it, since it can also cause dust allergy.
- Wipe large leaves of indoor flowers, sprinkle small.
- Take care of the fur of your animals, comb and collect it, not allowing you to stay on the furniture and carpet.
If the allergy to dust still prevents you from living, pay attention to your food, it should contain vitamin C . You will find it primarily in citrus, elderberry, currant, sea buckthorn juice and tomatoes.
The main drugs that can help you are the most common allergy tablets, you can buy them without a prescription in any pharmacy: drops to relieve inflammation from the eyes, drops in the nose. Treatment of chronic dust allergy is a very long process, but in any case do not self-medicate. Contact your doctor allergist, he will conduct a test to determine the allergen and prescribe a treatment.
Did you suffer from an allergy to dust? How did you cope with this problem?