Treatment of allergies in childrenThe allergy is today perceived as somethingabsolutely ordinary, many even cease to consider it a disease. The reaction to citrus, wool, household chemicals, flowering and much more is more a norm than pathology.

Today we will try to figure out what lies behind the word "allergy", why our children so often suffer from it, how to recognize the baby the appearance of an allergic reaction.

What is an allergy?

The Greek word allergy meant "anotheract". Indeed, this is another, "abnormal" reaction of our body. If you get inside a completely innocuous substance, the immune system begins to perceive it as alien, potentially dangerous, and includes protection mechanisms. They include itching, coughing, runny nose, etc. The substance - the allergen is forever remembered by the body, and every time it appears, the reaction will be hyperactive.

Why are children so prone to allergies? There are a lot of factors. Food allergic reaction in children of the first years of life can develop due to insufficient maturity of the liver and a small number of enzymes. In addition, the walls of the intestine are thinner and through them foreign substances enter the bloodstream. Overeating only worsens the overall picture.

The next factor, as a rule, it provokesrespiratory allergic reaction - the "sterility" of the child's environment. The immune system does not receive the necessary "training" for it, there is no formation of adequate responses. Excessive desire for cleanliness is fraught with yet another problem: contacts with aggressive chemicals. And the last, but important reasons - the state of ecology and heredity. As a rule, if parents are allergic, then the child is destined for the same fate.

How can one recognize an allergy?

What is an allergy is already clear, but what is itscauses and how to suspect the child signs of ailment? Allocate the following types of allergic reaction: skin manifestations, respiratory, anaphylactic shock and bronchial asthma. Consider the most innocuous and most common skin allergic reactions.

If the baby has any skin patches reddening(hives appeared), a swelling is observed, the skin is flaky and itchy constantly, then, most likely, it is an allergy. Remember that redness should not be accompanied by any temperature, nor any disturbance of the digestive system. In children, rashes usually occur in the cheeks, on the buttocks, in the inguinal folds, ulnar folds. The cause of the disease is contact with the allergen: food, new clothes, household chemicals, cosmetics - all this should arouse suspicion.

In the air there are always differentthe smallest particles: dust, animal hair, skin particles, microorganisms. They can provoke respiratory reactions. If the baby suddenly began to watery eyes, there was conjunctivitis, constantly "flowing" from the nose, but there are no other symptoms of ARI, then the body struggles with external stimuli.

Anaphylactic shock is the most dangerous of alltypes of allergic reactions. It is necessary to know exactly its symptoms and to help in time. Anaphylactic shock disrupts the function of breathing, laryngeal edema develops, heartbeat is disturbed, loss of consciousness is observed. If you do not provide assistance in time, a fatal outcome is possible. The cause of shock can be repeated entry into the body of any allergen: an insect bite, pollen, eaten product, etc.

Each mother should remember: the occurrence of any allergy, whether even an innocuous rash, requires a doctor's consultation.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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