Children's tanning: correctly sunbathing

With the onset of summer, moms are concerned about the question: how much a child can be in the sun? On the one hand, everyone has heard about the benefits of vitamin D, on the other, I do not want the child to get burnt. Our article will help to choose the ideal strategy of behavior, because today we will talk about the child's tan.

What is tan?

Sunburn is a kind of protective reactionorganism on the impact of aggressive factors, namely ultraviolet rays. A special substance - melanin - accumulates in cells and prevents negative influence on tissues. The more melanin, the stronger the protection. In children, the ability to fully develop this substance is formed only to 3 years, so that until this age, sunlight brings more harm than good. The most serious consequences can be irritations on the skin, pigment spots, burns and heat strokes.

What is tan?

At the same time, under the influence of sunlight in the body produces vitamin D, which contributes to the full absorption of calcium.

Choose the time

If you still decide to take sunbathingtogether with the baby, then do it very carefully. First, do not go out in the period from 12 to 16 hours, when the radiation is most active. The best time for walking is from 9 to 11 or after 17. Focus on your child's age: up to 6 months is enough and 2 minutes in the sun, increasing this time to 15 minutes a year. If the child is light-skinned, then the sun is more dangerous for him than for brown-eyed and swarthy. Do not forget about the headdress and light cotton clothing. The natural barrier to aggressive radiation is sweat, so do not forget to drink crumbs. Try to find areas or public gardens, where you can play, hiding in the shade. In addition, various protective creams should be additionally used.

Choose the time

Protective creams

Sunscreens are those with SPF(sun protecting factor), that is, sunscreen filters. They vary in intensity and are labeled with numbers from 20 to 60. Means above 50 have a dense texture and a high concentration of chemicals. In children, they often cause allergies. The most common SPFs are 25 and 30. To understand the degree of skin protection, these figures are multiplied by 5. That is, with the SPF 25 cream the baby is protected for 125 minutes, and from 30 to 150.

In addition, the cream may contain chemicalfilters - oxides of titanium and zinc - preventing the occurrence of burns. The main disadvantage of lotions with these substances is in their high allergy. In addition, they are easily washed off with water.

Protective creams

If the composition is clear, then it remains to choosetexture of protective cosmetics. Distinguish between creams, lotions and emulsions, sprays. Cream is distinguished by a dense fatty texture. They are poorly washed with water, but are able to leave stains on clothing. Emulsions are lighter. Sprays have an almost weightless structure and are easily applied thanks to a convenient dispenser. The main thing is not to miss any part of the skin and not get into the child's eyes.

After a tan or walk it is better to use special cooling creams. They will give the skin a pleasant coolness, remove the redness, will prevent the appearance of irritations and burns.

Cooling cream after sunburn

Despite the harmful effects of sunlighton the body, completely avoid contact with them is impossible. Yes, and so pleasantly soak in the soft golden light. If you approach the solution of the problem with care and do not neglect the means of protection, then the summer will leave you and the baby with only pleasant memories.

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