How to get rid of thrush
Thrush is a type of fungal infection that refers to frequently occurring gynecological diseases. Often after her treatment thrush comes back again. Get rid of thrush this article will help you.

Thrush (Candidiasis) causes yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. He lives in the body of most healthy people.

The disease manifests itself when their reproduction begins in large numbers.
Candidiasis can manifest itself on the mucous membrane of the mouth, in the intestine (as a kind of severe dysbiosis), on the genitals.

The causes of thrush:

  • weakened immunity;

  • emotional stress;

  • taking antibiotics;

  • diabetes;

  • HIV infection.

Thrush can be transmitted sexually, butmost often the disease is not associated with sexual intercourse. It does not belong to the group of sexually transmitted diseases. Contrary to myths, the risk of thrush is not associated with wearing tight lingerie. Thrush often occurs during pregnancy.

Symptoms of thrush

In cases of candidiasis, women are affected by the vagina and external genitalia, in men - the head and foreskin of the penis, in children - the oral cavity.

Symptoms of thrush in women:

  • curdled white discharge;

  • itching and burning in the area of ​​the external genitalia;

  • with urination and sexual intercourse, pain is felt.

Symptoms of thrush in men:

  • redness of the genitals;

  • white discharge, similar to sperm;

  • itching and burning in the head and foreskin of the penis;

  • white coating on the head and prepuce of the penis;

  • with urination and sexual intercourse, pain is felt.

Children The mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue are covered with a white coating, similar to cottage cheese or the remains of yogurt. To get rid of thrush, consult a doctor. With timely medical treatment candidiasis of the mouth in infants is not particularly dangerous. You will learn more about the treatment of thrush in children from the next article.

How to get rid of thrush

When symptoms appear always consult a doctor. Very often women themselves make a diagnosis, but it may not be true, and self-treatment will only complicate the diseasewill lead him to chronic form, weakeningimmunity and the emergence of new diseases. Similar symptoms may be the manifestation of colpitis, gardnerelleza, gonorrhea, genital herpes, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and other infections.

Treatment of thrush in women

The most common thrush occurs in women from 20 to 45 years.

To get rid of thrush in the early stages enough will be a local treatment in the form of candles or vaginal tablets. They can be Cyclopyrox, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Natamycin, Isoconazole, Nystatin and analogues of these drugs.

Often prescribed for mild thrushsingle administration of flucanazole 150 mg orally. It is contained in such drugs as Diflucan, Mikomaks, Diflazon, etc. When it is taken, it is important to read the instructions and to maintain the specified time interval between the use of tablets.

If the thrush occurs repeatedly after treatment, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of endocrine and chronic diseases. When the thrush passes in a recurrent form (more than four exacerbations per year) affects the bladder, kidneys, intestines. Therefore, to completely cure candidiasis, it is necessary to take antifungal drugs inside.

To get rid of thrush, you can apply the following treatment option:

  • Candles with clotrimazole (Antifungol, Kandibene, Kanison, Clotrimazole) once a week for 2-3 months.

  • Fluconazole (Medoflukon, Diflazon, Mycosyst, Diflucan,) 100 mg once a week for 2-3 months.

Treatment of thrush in men

When the head and the foreskin of the penis are affected - candidiasis balanoposthitis - Local treatment will be enough. To get rid of thrush, it is necessary to apply the cream of MacMyoror Complex with a thin layer on the head and foreskin of the penis. Use 2 times a day for 5-7 days. This cream additionally has anti-trichomoniasis and antibacterial action.

If a woman gets sick with thrush, this does not mean that her partner is also sick. Treatment of men is only in the presence of symptoms of the disease. As a prophylaxis to men Fluconazole tablets 150 mg are acceptable.

Prevention of thrush

To be sick less often, Strengthen your immunity and play sports. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Wear cotton underwear. If you use lubricants, then choose water-soluble. Do not do douching unnecessarily - you wash the healthy flora. When bathing, use special gels for intimate hygiene and only boiled warm water. And, of course, avoid accidental sexual intercourse.

Be healthy!

How to get rid of thrush
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