Metabolic SyndromeExcess weight is not only an aesthetic problem. Scientists have noticed a link between obesity and other diseases (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases). A complex of disorders of metabolism and diseases associated with obesity, was called metabolic syndrome.

In the 80s of the 20th century the American scientist GeraldReaven drew attention to the high mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system in people suffering from obesity, high blood pressure and a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. He suggested calling this syndrome "Syndrome X". Other names for this syndrome are metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance syndrome.

Studies have shown that an excess of visceral(internal) fat in obesity affects the decrease in sensitivity of peripheral tissues of the body to insulin. Insulin is responsible for the cleavage of glucose; if insulin resistance is increased, blood sugar levels increase, which in turn increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition to abdominal obesity (visceral fat deposits in the abdominal region) and insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome is often accompanied by hypertension (high blood pressure), coronary heart disease and atherogenic dyslipidemia (an abnormal increase in lipid / lipidoprotein levels in the blood). The combination of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease is called the "death quartet".

Metabolic syndrome occurs in men more often,than in women. The probability of a syndrome in women is higher in menopause. However, in recent years, metabolic syndrome is increasingly found in adolescents. The propensity for this syndrome is laid genetically, and "start" its wrong diet, inactivity, certain medications and diseases. If the metabolic syndrome is not treated, through10-20 years after its onset, atherosclerosis will develop and progress, and the risk of complications - a heart attack and stroke, which is fatal - is significantly increased.

How to identify the metabolic syndrome? The main feature is abdominal obesity, in which fat is deposited in the abdomen. Normally, the waist circumference of a woman should not be more than 80 cm, for a man - no more than 94 cm, if the waist circumference exceeds these figures - it's time to sound an alarm.

In addition to the circumference of the waist measure body mass index (BMI) which helps determine the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. To determine the BMI, you need to divide the body weight in kilograms by the height in meters, squared.

Body weight typeBMI (kg / m2)Risk of concomitant diseases
Obesity of the 1st degree30,0-34,9Tall
Obesity of the 2nd degree35,0-39,9Very tall
Obesity of the third degree40Extremely high

There are also Additional criteria for diagnosis of metabolic syndrome:

  • Arterial hypertension - blood pressure 140 to 90 and above;

  • rising fasting blood glucose (hyperglycemia) - 6.1 mmol / L and higher;

  • increase in the level of triglycerides - 1.7 mmol / l and above;

  • increase in the level of low-density lipoproteins - 3.0 mmol / l and higher;

  • a decrease in the level of high density lipoproteinions - 1.0 mmol / L and lower in men, 1.2 mmol / L and lower in women.

For confirmation of diagnosis "Metabolic syndrome" is sufficient for one main attribute (abdominal obesity) and any of two additional criteria.

Metabolic syndrome is a dangerous disease,because each of its components can cause the development of serious complications from virtually all organs and systems of the body: the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, joints, lungs and even the brain. Therefore, the metabolic syndrome must be treated, and the earlier - the better.

Treatment of this syndrome is complex. It is necessary not only to normalize the body weight,but also to restore normal metabolic and hormonal metabolism, adjust blood pressure, normalize blood glucose levels, and cure co-morbidities.

For solving the problem of excess weight mainly non-pharmacological methods are used- diet, physical activity. Patients reduce caloric intake, but the diet should be balanced and rational. The amount of fat in the diet should not exceed 10%, and digestible carbohydrates - 30% of the total caloric value. Food should be divided (4-5 times a day). Both the diet and exercise should be prescribed by the doctor based on the patient's condition - self-medication in this case can not be engaged.

For normalization of arterial pressure, treatmentlipid disorders and high blood sugar, prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes, use appropriate medications, which should also be prescribed by a doctor. For example, beta-blockers, often used to treat hypertension, are not recommended for metabolic syndrome - they can adversely affect glucose metabolism. therefore all medications should be prescribed by a doctor.

A healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, lack of bad habits) will help prevent the metabolic syndrome and live a long and healthy life.

Metabolic Syndrome
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