Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAn uncontrollable child is a problem for parents. However, you should not think that he behaves badly just to spite others: maybe he has a syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this case, you do not need to scold the child, but try to help him.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) refers to neurological-behavioral personality disorders and usually begins at an early age. Typical symptoms of ADHD - hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating, poorly controlled impulsiveness.

Despite the fact that ADHD is included in ICD-10 (class V, mental disorders and behavioral disorders), there are still disputes surrounding this syndrome: Some doctors, teachers, politicians, parents and the media doubt the existence of ADHD. At the moment, there is no single diagnostic criteria and methods to assess the symptoms of the disease.

ADHD is more common in boys than in girls. Diagnosis of ADHD can begin with late preschool or early school age. This is due to the fact that for the diagnosisit is necessary to assess the behavior of the child in at least two different conditions, for example, at home and in kindergarten (school). Symptoms of ADHD may not be manifested constantly, but from time to time.

there is two main diagnostic criteria for ADHD (we already mentioned them at the beginning of the article): inattention and hyperactivity and impulsivity. There are nine symptoms for each criterion, at least six of them must be present to diagnose the child. In this case, the symptoms should be expressed fairly brightly and persist for at least six months.

Despite the fact that ADHD is considered a "child" syndrome, it is found in adults. However, the syndrome does not develop in adulthood, but remains from childhood. If an adult is diagnosed with ADHD, this ismeans that the problem was simply not revealed in childhood. In adulthood, ADHD can lead to problems in learning and work, the organization of space around themselves, interpersonal relationships.

Since the status of ADHD is rather doubtful, and the exact reasons for its occurrence are still unclear, approaches to the treatment of the syndrome in different countries differ. However, most specialists prefer an integrated approach combining several methods of psychocorrection. The optimal combination is selected individually in each case.

As an adjuvant in the treatment of ADHD can use medicines - psychostimulants and nootropics (psychostimulants are traditionally more popular onWest, nootropic drugs - in the CIS). However, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of such treatment, in addition, the reception of psychostimulants can rather harm the child's body than to bring him any benefit.

therefore Whenever possible, they try to treat ADHD with the help of psycho-correction methods, resorting to drug treatment only inextreme cases. ADHD is considered a persistent and chronic syndrome that can not be completely cured, but it is realistic to compensate for violations and help hyperactive children to fully realize their life.

What can we say in conclusion? Do not rush to impose on an impulsive, hyperactive, easily excitable child the label of an ill-bred and lazy lazy person. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordercauses inconvenience not only to others, but also to the child. Your task as parents is to help him cope with the manifestations of the syndrome. With drug treatment it is advisable not to rush (and self-medication in this case, you can not do at all). What can you do for a child with ADHD?

Talk with a psychologist, as well as with parents who are facing the same problem
. The psychologist will teach you special techniques,which will help monitor the child's behavior. Often children are also taught special techniques that help them cope with learning problems. Support the child, increase his self-esteem, watch the regime of his day, be consistent in matters of upbringing and discipline, follow the advice of a psychologist - and then you will most likely manage to minimize manifestations of ADHD.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
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