Useful properties of basilBasil came to us from tropical Asia. It is added to food and used as a medicinal plant, after all useful properties of basil have been known for a long time. Not without reason in India, basil, along with the lotus, was revered as a sacred plant.

Basil ordinary (basil fragrant) very branchy plant. Its stems are tetrahedral and can reach a height of 60 cm. The basil leaves are oblong, slightly rough to the touch, up to 5 cm in length and 1-1.5 cm in width. They can be green or purple. Basil flowers can be pink, white-purple or simply white. They are small in size and collected in the inflorescence of tassels at the ends of the stems.

The useful properties of basil are due to its chemical composition. It has not yet been thoroughly studied, but it is known thatmost of the useful properties of basil owed to essential oil (its content in the basil leaves can reach 1.5%). It is the essential oil that gives the basilica a spicy scent and taste. Essential oil includes fragrant substances - eugenol, linalool, meilhavinol and others. Camphor, also a component of essential oil of basil, stimulates the work of the heart and restores breathing.

Also in the leaves and stems of the basil are kepttanning and mineral substances, phytoncides (they have antibacterial action), simple sugars, carotene ("raw" for vitamin A, which is formed directly in the body) and vitamins C, B2, PP and rutin. These and other substances also contribute to the beneficial properties of basil and allow use it in the treatment of diseases.

So, what are the basic useful properties of basil? Among them we can distinguish an antiseptic,wound healing and anti-inflammatory action of basil. Basil also helps to relieve spasms of both blood vessels and the muscles of the internal organs (antispasmodic properties). Still this plant is used to reduce the amount of gas in the intestine (carminative properties).

This useful properties of basil are not exhausted. The vitamins C and P contained in it strengthen the walls of the blood vessels. And from carotene in the body, vitamin A is formed, responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Camphor, also part of the basil, helps in the suppression of the central nervous system (in particular, the centers of respiration and circulation). Basil is used as tonic and restorative means during recovery from disease and recovery of the body after surgery.

The basil can be applied either externally or internally as infusion. To prepare infusion of basil, dry and grind the basil, and then pourwith its boiling water at the rate of 1 cup of boiling water per 1 tbsp. herbs. Insist 30 minutes, then strain the infusion. Infusion of basil is drunk three times a day for a third of a glass or I use externally in the form of lotions for wounds, rinses (with diseases of the throat or mouth cavity) or adding to the bath.

In the treatment of which diseases help the beneficial properties of basil? First of all, this is respiratory diseases - ARI (incl. acute and chronic bronchitis), asthma and lung diseases. The fragrant substances that make up the essential oil of the basil make it easier to breathe and reduce inflammation, and vitamin C also contributes to it. The antibacterial and antibiotic effect of basil eliminates the cause of inflammation by fighting the infection. Therefore, basil contributes to a decrease in temperature for respiratory diseases, helps with the treatment of tuberculosis, facilitates the condition of cancer patients and reduces the harmful effect of smoking.

The antioxidants and vitamin C contained in the basilica protect cardiovascular system from the negative effects of free radicals and help the body to deal with stress. Evening lowers blood cholesterol levels, and potassium helps lower blood pressure.

Antibacterial useful properties of basil are used for disinfection of oral cavity. Basil helps fight bacteria,which are the cause of bad breath from the mouth, caries, tartar and plaque. Astringent properties of basil help with inflammation of the gums. However, do not chew basil - some of the substances contained in it can damage the teeth on the contrary, it is better to rinse the mouth with basil infusion.

Basil has an easy diuretic effect and helps fight kidney stones, reducing the level of uric acid, dissolvingsmall stones, clearing the kidneys and easing the pain. Essential oils of basil contribute to the treatment of skin diseases. Basil is used to treat vision problems caused by infection (eg, conjunctivitis). Useful properties of basil make it irreplaceable in the fight against headaches and other pains, infectious diseases, cough, rheumatism and other diseases. Also, basil helps to strengthen immunity and accelerate wound healing, including after surgical operations, protecting them from infection.

Basil is common - not just a fragrant seasoning, but also a medicinal plant. Useful properties of basil allow it to be used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Useful properties of basil
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