Jeans with scuffs: how to make scuffs and holes on jeans on your own, video instruction
This element of the wardrobe for many decades has notLoses its relevance, and the desire to stand out from the crowd forces the owners of such things to mutate them at times beyond recognition. Holes, varenka, bleached spots, scrapes, rivets, rhinestones ... This list can be continued indefinitely, but I would like to dwell more in detail on the most actual "decoration" - scuffs and holes.
How to make mashed jeans

For such a simple procedure, you will need a minimum of tools:
A piece of plywood.
Place a firm foundation inside the trousers todo not accidentally spoil the fabric in an unsuitable place. The area of treatment is recommended to be slightly moistened, after which it begins to rub intensively in the place where it is supposed to get art "wear" of the fabric. The less pumice is processed, the rougher it becomes.
If you want to get quite torn jeans, thenYou can walk along them with a household grater, which is usually used for rubbing potatoes. It is not necessary to carry out similar manipulations in the knee area, since with daily toe in this area a large hole will soon appear. Although this approach also takes place, since holey knees - the peak of youth fashion for several seasons.
How to make cuts on jeans
If at home there is a model that ideally sits onfigure, but its appearance is already a bit boring, you can make neat slits. If everything is done correctly, the result will not be different from the factory processing.
To cut your own jeans on your own, you will need:
a piece of chalk;
sharp blade;
plywood or board;
nail scissors.
Wear jeans on yourself or your girlfriend and mark outlines on which cuts will be made. Remove them and put a firm foundation inside the trousers. Precise movements cut through the blade horizontal lines: you can either one or several at a time, placing them close to each other. It will be more interesting to look if each strip has different lengths. The process of cutting such strips can be seen in the following photo:
If in some places it was not possible till the endcut a thick layer of denim fabric, you can carefully finish this process with sharp manicure scissors. To the edges of the sections to give a natural shabby appearance, they need to be treated with sandpaper.
How to tear my knees on my jeans
Strangely enough, no physical strength is required for this. It is enough to have only a few devices at your fingertips:
a piece of chalk;
a large sandpaper.
First you need to put them on yourself to clearlyto have an idea of exactly where the hole should be. In this area, draw a chalk horizontal strip. After removing the jeans, use a pair of scissors to cut along the drawn line, place a board under it. Nazhdachkoy carefully handle the edges of the cut, so that the hole on the knee looked more natural.
You can add a bit of worn cloth on either side of the cut. To do this, go up and down from the resulting hole to walk a large nazhdachkoy. This process is described in more detail in the following video instruction:
Supermodel element of the wardrobe at home is ready!
How to make holes on jeans

In order not to overpay extra money forTrendy ragged jeans, you can make the same holes with your own hands. To do this, you need to draw a chalk on a chalk with a chalk, which will eventually become an art hole, and make frequent cuts along the longitudinal lines of the outlined area with a blade, a clerical knife or a scalpel. It is important that the white threads that represent the inner tissue layer remain intact, and the colored threads must then be removed with fingers or tweezers.
After such processing on the edges of the resulting hole necessary to walk nazhdachkoy. The final result can be seen after washing.