How to choose the right jeans. Tips for stylists to choose jeans for the figure
Today we invite you to talk about thisthe subject of the base wardrobe, like jeans. This is truly a unique thing, because after starting its way into fashion as a uniform of American workers, it has become a cult clothing that has been in the trend for the last several decades. On how to choose fashionable jeans that will fit perfectly in the figure, you will learn from our article.
How to choose the perfect jeans: determined with the size
The most important rule of buying jeans - theyshould "sit" on the figure. And this means that you need to try on your jeans before buying. Even jeans of the correct (ie, your) size may be somewhere already, than necessary, shorter or longer. And, speaking about the sizes, it is necessary to take into account the fact that jeans after the socks may slightly "stretch", that is, increase in volume (but not in length!). Therefore, you can buy jeans a little smaller.
About the size of the product will tell the numbers standing nearbywith the letters W (Waist) and L (Length). The first indicates the waist circumference, the second - the length of the pants on the inside. To determine the desired size of jeans, you need to take away from the one you usually wear, the number 16. For example, if you have a 42-th clothing size, then you need jeans on the 26th. The length is denoted in inches. L 28 corresponds to the growth of 157-160 cm, L 30 - 161-165 cm, L 32 - 166-172 cm, L 34 - 173-180 cm, L 36 - 181-186.
How to choose jeans for a figure: tips stylists
Determining with the size, it is necessary to drawattention to the color and style of the selected pair. Jeans can be "straight", "narrowed", "glued", "riding breeches." Landing jeans can be very low, low, medium and high. Only on the mannequin or on the photomodels from the catalog, all these jeans sit well. And in the "real" you need to soberly assess their forms, because thanks to jeans you can emphasize the advantages, hiding the shortcomings, or you can and vice versa.
For example, girls with disproportionateshort torso is better not to buy jeans with a high fit, because such a landing visually further shortens the top. But girls with not very long legs such a landing will help visually make them longer. In addition, a high fit masks the tummy, allowing the figure to look slimmer.
To the legs seemed more slender and long,it is better to purchase models with scuffs in the middle of the leg. And the color of their edges should flow smoothly from light to dark. If you have wide hips, then jeans should also buy wide, gradually narrowing downwards. Also you will like pants flared, trimmed with a wide line and trousers with a high fit. If your hips are narrow, then you prefer classic jeans with straight leggings and models with a low fit.