How to properly cut currant

Everyone knows that currant requires an annualtrimming. Therefore, a horticulturist, who has very little experience in this matter, boldly takes the pruner and starts to work. As expected, he begins to cut underdeveloped, curved and sick branches, as well as two or three summer shoots. However, after trimming, he begins to doubt whether he carried out this procedure correctly. Large articles, in which a lot of useful information, are very difficult to perceive. In this article, all the rules of cropping are formulated in just 10 points to make it easier to remember.

Correctly cut the bush of currant in autumn

  1. Cropping the black currant, you need to remember that all the fruit buds are laid only on the growth of the current season.

  2. If the growth is good, then next year you can expect a high yield.

  3. Currant fructifies well only the first 1-3of the year. In the future, the harvest is getting smaller. This is due to the fact that the bush is heavily thickened, the annual growth noticeably decreases, due to the fact that flowering occurs at the ends of the shoots.

  4. Before planting, the seedling should be cut andplanted to a depth of 15 cm, leaving not sprinkled with soil 3-5 buds. Under favorable conditions, shoots of up to 70-80 cm in length will grow from them, which in the second year will blossom and please the first berries.

  5. Fertilized currant branches need to be cut to free space for the young.

  6. It is necessary to constantly monitor the quantitybranches. How much to leave them depends mainly on the strength of the currant bush. If it is weak, then it is enough to leave no more than 5 branches, on average - 9-12, on strong - no more than 15.

    How to properly cut currant

  7. The number of young shoots is also necessary to regulate. If you do not cut out the excess, the next year there will be many berries, and the growth of the currant bush is weak. Because of this, the future harvest will be lost.

  8. On bushes with a poor (35-40 cm) annual increaseyou need to prune, leaving 4-5 kidneys. It is not worth chasing a one-off high yield. The main task of the horticulturist is to grow a strong and healthy plant that fructifies well every year.

  9. When pruning currant must be taken into account andvarietal features of the plant. For example, in fast-growing (hybrid) varieties, berries are formed along the entire length of the branches, so the harvest of the first year is always high. Next year it will be lower. What to do in this case? See paragraph 5. On ordinary varieties, berries are formed only on the top of the shoots. Next year on these bushes begin to grow intensively zero and lateral processes of the second order, located on the branches of fruiting below the fruiting site. Pruning on these bushes is carried out immediately after picking berries. Remove the zero and only a part of the branches on which were the berries.

  10. In old (6-7 years) plants are mainly carried outrejuvenating pruning. Almost completely remove the old branches, leaving a few young. Next year, the currant will increase a lot of new shoots, which will necessarily need to be weeded out.

    How to properly cut currant

Now you know how to trim the currant in the fall, so that the next couple of years to get a good harvest.

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