Currant trimming: red and white currants
Timely and correct cropping currants - the guarantee of a good harvest. The country of the Soviets has already talked about pruning black currant, now it's time to talk about pruning red and white currants. How to properly cut red and white currants?

Red and white currants have their own growth and fruiting characteristics, so Cutting currants of these species is different from pruning black currant. These currant species have a more restrained growthzero (annual) shoots. And fruiting is concentrated mainly on shortened annual growths and bouquet branches. Therefore, in red and white currants, fruiting can also be older branches. This means that the rejuvenating trimming of the currant may not be as frequent as in the case of black currant.

Branches can be left on the bush until the age of 9-10years, because the life expectancy of fruit formations is 7-8 years, and the branches are not denuded as fast as in the black currant. The approach to the age composition of the branches on the bush is also not so severe, but all the same there must be both old and young branches, this guarantees a long and stable high fruiting. On average, the currant bush consists of 16-20 branches of different ages.

The first trimming of the currant is produced when planting. It is necessary to leave 3-5 boles and strongly shorten them, the remaining shoots should be cut. As you grow, you need to remove all root shoots and growths on the stem.

In the years to come, to leave several strong shoots developing from the soil: an adult bush must have 7-8 full-bodied boles. Usually, 3-4 of the most developed zero shoots are left. And all the other shoots, growing from the soil, should be removed.

In varieties with a high growth force, it is necessary at some point to shorten about half of the elongation shoot. Also, currant pruning includes an annual circumcision of the lateral branches to 3-5 buds. But It is not necessary to shorten annual growths in fruiting branches, because this may reduce yields.

With the passage of time, the currant cropping begins to removal of the oldest stems of 7-8 years of age (it is easy to define such stems: the bark on them has a black color). Such stems worsen fruiting and weaken the formation of shoots. In return, new shoots will be formed - from the remaining boles or directly from the soil.

It should begin with the removal of branches that grow too low or too far, as well as branches that intersect with others and interfere with their normal growth. In doing so, you should try not to damageshort branches with kidneys (rings). Young shoots on the main branches are shortened approximately half, they should be cut to the kidney, which is directed up and out the bush. Large sections (8 mm in diameter and larger) are covered with var.

It is necessary to periodically remove thin and weak shoots from the soil, as well as extra shoots (the total number of shoots should be 8-10, not more). You can not allow the thickening of bushes, so do not leave annual shoots more than necessary to replace the aging.

Currant pruning is performed either in late autumn, at rest, or in early spring. In July-August, you can make a summer prishlipku green soft shoots, unnecessary for growth. Thus, a bookmark of substitution shoots is activated, on which there will be many flower buds.

Cutting currants should be made as necessary to prevent thickening of the bush. You can not run a bush, but do not get involved with pruning, otherwise the fruiting of a bush may decrease. If you cut the red and white currants correctly, it will delight you with a good harvest year after year.

Currant trimming: red and white currants
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