Pests of black currant
Pests of black currant can destroy your harvest in a matter of hours. In addition, the damage done can be so serious that the currant for the next year will not yield a crop at all. But any pest can be disarmed if time is taken.
To begin with it is important to remember what antidotes are afraid of pests of black currant. Here is almost the entire list: Appolo, Neoron, Danitol, Mauritius, Phytoverm and Agravertin (biopreparations), Intavir, Kinmix, Karate, Decis, Sumi Alpha, Fury, Sherpa, Tsimbush. All these drugs can be used whenthe occurrence of pests, which we will describe below. But do not abuse chemicals, especially if you have a small plot of land. There are folk methods that allow you to cope with pests no worse than "chemistry".
The most famous and most common pests of black currant:
Running aphid. A female aphids at one time can postpone up to a thousandeggs. An infusion of needles or a solution of urea with manganese should be used against these pests. These substances are sprayed with a currant bush. From chemical preparations very well copes with pest Fitoverm. In addition, the larvae of the ladybug are also able to destroy the aphids in a couple of days, so be careful with chemicals so as not to destroy the "sanitarians" of your garden.
Glass Bug. This small butterfly is a very dangerous pest. Its breeding ground is bird cherry, so in any case, do not sit the currant and bird cherry next. The glassmaker is able to lay eggs in a few seconds, constantly returning to the offspring. Soon the branches begin to dry out and break off, because they do not tolerate such an active lifestyle of the glass. Fitoverm and Agravetin perfectly cope with this butterfly and its caterpillar, but broths with a pungent smell - even better. Wormwood, needles, onions, tansy are plants, which are very afraid of the glass.
Gallica. If you noticed the red leaves on the currant -This is a trick of a small mosquito called "gall midges." It affects leaves and buds, from which the currant branches dry up and cease to grow. You can use the drug Carbophos, but note that it is actual before flowering. But the biologics FitoForm or Agravetin is best used in budding.
Gooseberry moth. This wonderful white butterfly with specks,which is born from a gray caterpillar with a yellow belly, eats a leaf and lays eggs on the underside. Sprinkle the plant with urea. From her, the butterfly and caterpillar do not appear for a long time on the currant leaves.
Blackcurrant sawfly. These pests of black currant appear inthe moment of the ovary. They penetrate into the ovary and eat seeds. Do not use chemicals, because during this period the currant already has green berries. Fitoverm or Agravertin, which are biologics, can be used in small amounts. But it's best to use the decoctions you already know. In addition, burn the affected fruit under the bush currant is also recommended. The caterpillar from this is more likely to be selected from the ovary. Otherwise, it eats seeds, descends on the cobweb and leaves for wintering in the soil.
The Mite. This tick affects the bud of the plant and leads toher swelling. After bloating the kidney is torn, which is clearly visible on the branch, and the tick penetrates into the next one. Thus, the entire branch is considered a patient. It is necessary to cut a branch and burn it under a bush of currant. The mite is very afraid of such smoke. With the kidney mite, all of the above chemicals are fighting.
Thus, pests of black currant - this is though a cause for concern, but you can cope with the problem. The main thing is, do not delay! Black currant is a medicinal berry, so in time to worry about her, so that in the winter she could take care of you.