How to keep apples in winter at home

Apples are juicy and not very sweet and withsour, red, yellow, green - whatever your harvest, all this wealth should be kept until the spring, and even until the next harvest. How to keep apples fragrant and really fresh throughout the winter? We will tell you some very simple secrets of storing liquid fruit at home.

Long-term storage of apples - which varieties to choose?

To preserve the harvest of apples is not enoughchoose beautiful fruits and put them together in one drawer. Time is merciless, and soon the decay or drying of the product may begin, parasites will start, mouse will come running - how many surprises are there in the wrong conditions for storing the crop!

How to keep apples in winter at home

These varieties of apples are characterized by a good looseness:

  1. Middle band

    • Antonovka common.

    • Knight.

    • The hero.

    • Northern Sinap.

    • Lighthouse.

    • Zhigulevskoye.

    • Winter Orel.

    • Cortland.

    • The Chosen One.

    • Banana.

    • Melba.

    • Welsey.

  2. Southern strip

    • Renet Simirenko.

    • Starking.

    • Jonathan.

    • Aurora Crimean.

    • Olympic.

All of the listed varieties of apples are able for a long time to preserve flavor and vitamins.

Long-term storage of apples at home

Before storing the fruit, it is necessary to collect the fruit from the tree. And whether you do it right, half of the successful conservation of the harvest in winter also depends.

How to keep apples in winter at home

Conditions for collecting apples for storage:

  • Collection only in dry weather.

  • It is impossible to tear off the peduncle.

  • Wipe the natural wax from apples is also not recommended - it allows the fruit to retain its appearance longer.

  • Broken fruit should not be thrown, it should be carefully folded into a container.

  • Collect from the lower branches, and gradually move up - so you avoid injuring the fruit.

  • Collection of apples should occur during the so-called removable ripeness - when a day from the tree falls 5-6 ripe and necessarily healthy fruit.

Preparing apples for storage at home:

  1. Take the fruits: in one container, fold the damaged ones, in the other - whole and healthy apples with pedicels.

  2. Apples of different types and sizes should also be divided.

  3. Do not wash the fruits!

Conditions for long-term storage of apples in winter

Storing apples at home involvesthe correct temperature regime and humidity, because this fruit is prone to rotting, and if you have noticed one spoiled apple, be sure - soon the whole pile will be gone.

Temperature and humidity

To ensure that your crop hibernates quietly, ensureThe most preferred temperature for apples is the air temperature - and this is from -1 ° C to + 1 ° C. Temperature + 2 ... + 4 ° C is also acceptable. The ideal humidity for storing apples for a long time is 85-95%. If the humidity is too low, the fruit will quickly fade. Increased humidity leads to the banning of the bins, and the fruits begin to rot.

How to keep apples in winter at home

Ways of storing apples at home:

  • Small embankments, piles in boxes or boxes. In this case, the fetus is laid with pedicels upward, and it is necessary to review them regularly.

  • Paper - if you have such a desire, eachthe fruit can be wrapped in paper, and then fold the fruit with the pedicels upward into the prepared container. If all the selected fruits are healthy, this way of storing apples, especially at home, can become your favorite.

  • Sawdust - another well-provena way of storing apples in winter. At the bottom of the box or box, lay a layer of dry sawdust (they can be replaced with sand, buckwheat husk, peat, moss, tree leaves, onion husk, hardwood shavings, linen oats), then pour the ashes 3 cm thick, and place apples in one layer. The obligatory condition - the fruits should not touch each other. Top with the first layer sprinkled with sawdust with ash, and on top you can arrange one or two layers of apples.

  • You can store apples in plastic bags at a temperature of -1 ° C ... + 1 ° C. Arrange in packets with holes for ventilation apples of 3-4 kg, tie - the fruit is ready for storage.

How to keep apples in winter at homeHow to keep apples in winter at home

All of the listed ways of storing a loved one with many fruits are available at home, and will require a minimum of space.

Read also how to properly soak apples for the winter.

Watch a video lesson on bookmarking apples for long winter storage.

What is the processing of apples for storage?

In supermarkets you can often meet beautiful,like exhibition copies of fruit. As the average buyer believes, apples are rubbed with paraffin to hide flaws and preserve an attractive appearance longer. Yes, in part this is true, because some additional substances do allow for a long time to preserve the integrity of the fetus.

Such processing methods slow down the processes of putrefaction and fading of fruits, however such allergenic substances as diphenyl (oil refining product) are now banned in the US and EU countries.

Methods of processing apples before laying for storage at home:

  • An aqueous solution of potassium iodide, iodine, starch andbaking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Such a solution looks like a dark blue powder without taste and odor. Harmfulness of the solution is minimal - before using the apple, the protective film is easily washed off with water.

  • Bactericidal ultraviolet lamp BUF-60 -recommended by many gardeners a way of processing apples. Uniform irradiation should occur at a distance of 1.5 meters, the time of irradiation of one layer of fruit - 20-30 minutes with one turn of fruit on the other side. This method protects apples from the development of bacteria that cause decay processes.

  • Another common way of processing applesBefore laying for long-term storage - pumping into a bag of carbon dioxide. This will help siphon for carbonation of water. After processing, the hole is sealed, and the apples are stored just fine, and most importantly - for a long time.

How to keep apples in winter at home

Very soon it will be time to harvest apples, and we are sure that our recommendations will help you keep your wealth throughout the winter!

How to keep apples in winter at home

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