Orchid Cymbidium: Care and Content
The family of orchids is very diverse and divisibleon numerous genera. The most common genus at the moment is phalaenopsis, but do not forget about other orchids, which are also rich in a variety of species. To one of such diverse and rich types of flowers is the cichbidium orchid. The country of the Soviets will tell you how to care for the cymbidium.
Cymbidium (Latin Cymbidium) - one of the most unassuming species of orchids, to keep that home much easier than phalaenopsis. That is why the orchid cymbidium becomesvery popular. In addition, the color range of tsimbidium flowers is very diverse. Small or large flowers with pointed petals can be monochrome or brightly colored. Tsimbidum flowers can be yellow, green, cream, brown, red, pink ... The variety of colors of the cymbidium is amazing. And the whole point is that the cymbidium is used more often than other species of orchids for breeding new hybrids. There are even such types of cymbidium, in which the leaves are painted white. Naturally, such an orchid will cost much more.
Orchid cymbidium can reach 2 meters in height. Of course, such types of cymbidium will be impossiblegrow houses. But, fortunately, there are potted species of cymbidium, which grow to only 70 cm in height. By the way, there are also dwarf cymbidiums, the height of the leaves of such plants reaches only 20 cm, but the size of the flowers remains very large - up to 10 cm in diameter. Also there are cymbidiums with tiny flowers.
Orchid cymbidium is very differs from phalaenopsis not only with its flowers, but also with leaves. Phalaenopsis leaves are oblong, broad. In tsimbidiuma leaves are thin, xiphoid, can be as pointed at the end, and blunt-ended.
Orchid Cymbidium: Care
Cymbidium, unlike other species of orchids, does not require special conditions of detention. Many beginner orchid breeders allowthe same mistake, trying to create for the cymbidium the conditions of detention that fit phalaenopsis: spray it and maintain a high humidity in the room. For the cymbidium, this content does not fit!
In the summer, the cymbidium orchid is best kept at a temperature of 20-24 ° C during the day and 15 ° C at night. The maximum temperature that can be toleratedcymbidium, is 28 ° C. From autumn to spring, the daytime temperature should be lowered to 18-20 ° C, and the night temperature should be kept within 10-15 ° C. But for dwarf cymbidiums, these temperature differences are not necessary, so they can be kept in the apartment all year round.
It is worth considering that For the correct content of cymbidium, temperature differences within 10 ° C. Only in such conditions the contents of the orchidCymbidium will please you with its abundant and long flowering. In an apartment to achieve such differences is sometimes very difficult, so at night you can put the cymbidium on the street. It is worth noting that some species of cymbidium well tolerate a decrease in temperature to 0 ° C. But here the heat above 28 ° C is undesirable for them, since the orchid will begin to turn yellow and fade. Requirements for temperature differences in cymbidiums are due to the fact that their homeland is the high-mountainous regions of the Himalayas, where the difference between night and day temperatures sometimes reaches up to 20 ° C.
Orchid Cymbidium does not tolerate high humidity. 50-70% is the optimum humidity forcymbidium. Spraying of cymbidium is not required. Only in the summer, when it really gets too hot, the cymbidium can be sprinkled with lukewarm water every day.
You should water the cymbidium only when the substrate in which your orchid grows is completely dry. In the pot, the water should not stagnate, otherwiseorchids will start to rot roots. Orchid cymbidium responds well to a hot shower, so you can water your plant in this way. The water temperature should vary between 30-45 ° C.
Orchid cymbidium requires constant fertilization. It is recommended to fertilize it every two weeks with a liquid fertilizer. Only during the flowering period is it not necessary to apply fertilizer.
Orchid cymbidium: transplant
All orchids are transplanted only after the end of flowering, and if there really is a need. The enlarged cymbidium during the transplant can be divided into several parts, so you multiply your plant.
For orchid transplantation, use a suitable primer, which will mainly consist of bark of coniferous trees. As additives, sphagnum, brown coal, vermiculite, expanded clay, coarse-grained sand, leafy earth can be used.
Since the orchid cymbidium is very sprawling and large plant, the pot in which it will grow, it is recommended to put in a stable clay pot.