beautiful orchid

A unique in its beauty orchid flowerbelongs to the largest family of monocots. They appeared on earth in the last period of the Mesozoic era. So this flower is already 145 million years old, and he is one of the few plants that came to us from the distant past. Its name has received for the form of a rhizome in the form of an egg - this is how the Greek translates this word.

Despite its long history, orchids at home have taken root quickly enough and with gratitude take the attention of numerous admirers of their beauty. The most common types are:

  • Phalaenopsis;

  • Wanda;

  • Dendrobium;

  • Cattleya;

  • Cymbidium;

  • Ludisia.

Classification of orchids

Classified by the nature of the column andlocation of anther and stigma. According to the new system developed by the American scientist Dressler, the family of orchids is divided into 70 subtribes, forming 22 tribes, which in turn are combined into 5 subfamilies. Grow in any conditions and practically in all territories. An exception was only Antarctica.

The most optimal tropical climate, withwhich flowers receive their high level of precipitation. The fact is that the orchid nursing recognizes only one: a lot of moisture and heat. The peculiar flora of orchids on different continents differently manifests itself. 419 species are represented on the territory of Russia and the surrounding countries.

Variety of orchids

Their difference from most plants is thatthe threads of its stamens are spliced ​​into a column. There is no such entity other than the Rafflesian representatives. They are very prolific, in one flower box contains up to 4 million seeds. But since orchids are very painful, they survive from 4 million seeds at best 1-2, and even then not always.

The variety of orchids is striking: some species have only a few millimeters in size, others reach 35 m. The age is also ambiguous - some species can develop up to 70 years. This happens because the orchid care at home gets the most high-quality.

orchid flower

Pollination and its features

The system of pollination of orchids is very diverse. The main role in it belongs to insects, and the flowers themselves use deceptive ways of attracting insects, because by the whim of nature they are not suitable for food, and there is no nectar. There is a version that it is a two-sexed flower. They easily interbreed with representatives of other species of their family and give a new original offspring.

Since the last century, a seriousbreeding work, and all the hybrids that appeared, were created artificially. The charm and royalty of the orchid can not be transferred to the photo. This flower should only be seen and, most importantly, smelled.

Orchid Care

How to care for an orchid, written wholeencyclopedia. And not in vain. She behaves very capriciously, and some species can wither from one light breeze. Therefore, the flower growers who grow this flower, are very demanding of all small things up to the ground.

multicolored orchid

Transplantation and flowering of orchids in the home

Orchid transplantation is a difficult stage in her life. She, by her tenderness, tolerates him very badly. Therefore, immediately after buying a flower it should not be rushed to replant. We must wait to get used to the new situation.

Flowering is the biggest holiday for the professionals watching it. Although very often, many are upset that the orchid does not bloom for a long time.

The flowering period for each species lasts differently. On its length the flower strongly exhausts itself and requires special care after flowering. For the patience shown in the process of leaving, the flower will generously reward its fragrance.

flowers on the window

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